cloakfiend 996
Unfortunately, No, because all that does is print the initial layer (line) at a the selected height. usually i put like 0.1 or something....i would like to put 1.2. But im not sure how that would work as its a bit thick for a single layer considering im printing at 0.06? I was morethinking about if it was possible to print without a base layer yet? And just from the walls? Skipping the time filling in the base. It would save me about 2-3 hrs.
I.e. hollow with no when you take it off its hollow and you can see the inside. If that makes sense?
One of the devs said it would be possible to replace it with an infill amount when i brought it up ages ago but not sure if it was actually implemented....eitherway i have a touch more modelling to do before i print my object.
Edited by cloakfiend
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You mean this setting`?
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