heat up your ultimaker 2 and with a tiny.. less than .4mm needle, give the inside of your nozzle a quick clean out..
Then reload your PLA... print nice and slow at 50 should be fine.. then print temp 220... that just be plenty for PLA.. also you could put the flow up to 105 percent.. that helps me print with colorfabbs wooffill PLA :-)
Keep us updated on what happens !
Ian :-)
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swordriff 119
For you it is probably combination of build speed and temperature..
Next likely is sticky filament, hard for printer to un-spool... Try unwinding a bit...
Can you post settings in CURA, as well as settings in UM2.?
If you print in a cold(er) room.. then the higher levels dont "inherit" the temperature from
the build bed, (assuming you have a heated bed).. and as the higher levels thus are colder because of
this, the new layers don't attach well. You can compensate somewhat for this by increasing extr temp and
lowering speed.
With a heated bed to 60, CURA speed setting of 70mm/s, and UM2 speed setting of 60% (combined speed is then
60 percent out of 70mm/s = 42mm/s, AND higher extrusion temp, try 235, and fan off,
Then we should make it stick.
These settings will incur stringing, which you work at on the next stage by lowering speed and temperature..
Temp can go down to 220-215-210-200, speed down to 50% (in UM2).
Good luck!
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