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Discard or Keep Changes??


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Posted (edited) · Discard or Keep Changes??

Dear Cura team


I have a problem with Keep/discard when changing profiles.

This function seems like good idea, but it allways make a lot of problems.

It causes some unexpected changes does not matter what if you choose keep or discard....


I know it is probably high-tech function and if I take a week, I will understand it. 

But I do not have fudging week to learn to respect so unsuccessful disfunctions like this...!!!!

Is there anybody who use this function successfully??? or is it just a programators love...?

(i use cura for 4 years and I still do not understand it. It coused 1000 of problems...)


If I explane:
1. there is not writen, what changes it means
2. I can never chage setting, switch to other profile and back to see those changes which I left there...
3. Logics of this functio is probalby ok, but only for matrian. In UX is better to use easyer mind constructions...
4. It is not only my computer problem

5. I still dont understand what is a purpose of this function. Who is it made for?


Thank you and 




Edited by maht
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Posted · Discard or Keep Changes??



First off i really don't think swearing is needed when asking for help, you are wanting help so be nice to them that want to help.


The changes it means are any custom edits you have made to the profile settings, so any settings listed under the "Customized" part, so in the case above its your Printing Temperature (Extruder 1).


I personally use it alot, because i edit my settings for supports and cooling so as i swap between profiles for differnet quality or filament types it keeps all my edited settings so i don't have to keep editing them all the time.


Then your last image is a setting to pick if you want it to ask you if you want to keep them when you swap between profiles everytime or to auto remove them or auto keep them. I have mine to don't ask becasue like i say i have custom support settings i use for everything.

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Posted (edited) · Discard or Keep Changes??

Sorry for my hard form of crytics. But I did not ask for advice:)

I just told you that your product does not work properly... It is not as much intuitive as you thing.


I am helping you to improve your product and I advise you without being paid for my my job🙂


If you change 3 things, everybody will love your cura



Make option to duplicate printer with same settings






When you change profile just ask keep actual changes yes/not

Yours logics is not commonly used, it means almost nobody understand and use it properly.

Dont duplicate your options... (I consider myself as a averige sample of user)




It is good add new functions but do not forget unify old ones. (less is more)



Edited by FendrychDesign
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Posted · Discard or Keep Changes??
10 minutes ago, FendrychDesign said:

When you change profile just ask keep actual changes yes/not

I see no difference between asking yes/no or keep/discard. Nothing else happens in the current dialog.

We have a lot of questions regarding Cura, how to setup specific needs and so on, but I never have seen a question that this simple dialog is confusing, so I guess the rest of the world can use it as is without any problems.


8 minutes ago, FendrychDesign said:

But I really love design of cura and I would like to use it as an universal slicer for all my printers:)

That's fine, I also think it is a great software. If you love it, just use it as many others do, it's free for everyone and not only for UM owners.


15 minutes ago, FendrychDesign said:

I just told you that your product does not work properly... It is not as much intuitive as you thing.


I am helping you to improve your product and I advise you without being paid for my my job🙂

If Ultimaker maybe wants also address the professional market too someday, I guess they will be very thankful for your advise and hint. 😜


22 minutes ago, FendrychDesign said:

Stop adding more functions every version. Unify existing ones. (less is more)

But that's exactly what professionals need, they want to fine tune it for perfect results. If you are overwhelmed by this, there is also the simple mode with very few options. And new functions have no side effect, if you don't need them, just hide or ignore them and you are fine.

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Posted · Discard or Keep Changes??

We have made the explanation a little more clear for 4.7 (not out yet), see this topic: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/7592


The new explanation is a little longer, and mentions the switched-to profile. The column names are also changed from 'Default'/'Customized' to the switched-to profile name and 'Current Changes'.


If you want to save the changes (to a new profile), you can select 'Create Profile From Current Settings/Overrides ...' in the drop-down menu, before changing (there is another menu-item for updating one you made earlier).

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Posted · Discard or Keep Changes??

Dear Smithy

I tried to explane my feelings about using cura interface. Maybe I did not put right solutions and right explenations of cura problem, but there is some reason, why many people around me do not know how it works.


When something looks simple, it should be a simple:)



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    Posted (edited) · Discard or Keep Changes??

    Dear rburema


    Thank you

    We had significant problem to find and understand function of STAR. Star pictogram is usually used for evaluation or labeling.
    This is why people just duplicate profile or imput new printer.

    Fortinately it is just a visual communication problem. Easy to solve...


    Please do it like this:





    Edited by FendrychDesign
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    Posted · Discard or Keep Changes??
    18 minutes ago, FendrychDesign said:

    I tried to explane my feelings about using cura interface. Maybe I did not put right solutions and right explenations of cura problem, but there is some reason, why many people around me do not know how it works.


    I would like to try to explain why your posting was not as well received here as you might have intended.


    Cura is used worldwide and the development team around Cura is doing its best to make Cura even better. It is also quite normal that you can't make everyone happy with features and changes. Nevertheless, the team tries to respond to every wish, if possible and feasible. This is often not even found in commercial software.


    This forum here is provided by Ultimaker and there are many Ultimaker staff members active in the forum. But it is not an official complaint platform. Help with problems often comes from the community, from users like you and me. We do this for the fun and enjoyment of 3D printing and because we like to share our expertise with others.


    So it's not very helpful if you are grumpy when you post because you are not satisfied with something that is provided for free. It is also not very appreciative of the community if you write in this way.  I assume that you did not know that and you will not do that here in the future. I think neither all the volunteer users nor the Ultimaker team deserve to communicate in such a harsh way.


    And as you have read, the problem has even been addressed and will be changed in the next Cura version, even before you post. So I think you have made an excellent and future-proof decision with Cura and I am sure we will communicate on a respectful level in the future.


    Thanks and all the best!


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    Posted (edited) · Discard or Keep Changes??

    Dear Smithy and Cura team


    I really appreciate your good work you are doing. I have 2 Ultimakersa + DeltiQ2 and I use it every day.

    This problem was actual for years:) Sorry that I took it so personally. Thank you to take my comments so seriously. I did not expect you will.


    but please change that     icon:)





    Edited by SandervG
    Removed cursing
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    Posted · Discard or Keep Changes??
    19 hours ago, Carla_Birch said:



    First off i really don't think swearing is needed when asking for help, you are wanting help so be nice to them that want to help.

    15 minutes ago, FendrychDesign said:

    This problem was actual for years:) Sorry that I took it so personally. Thank you to take my comments so seriously. I did not expect you will.


    but please change that     icon:)



    It has been mentioned twice now, mind your language. There won't be a third. Thank you for keeping the community user friendly! 

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    Posted · Discard or Keep Changes??

    OMG - Why is @FendrychDesign and I the only people who see this serious problem!!!!


    I complained about this issue A LOT early on when Cura 2.X came out.  It STILL DRIVES ME CRAZY.


    Okay here is the problem with keep/discard.  It is unclear if the question is asking about the new profile or the old profile.  That's it.  That's the entire problem.


    Let's say I was on profile A.  I changed the temp.  Now I load profile B.  It pops up the keep/discard question.


    It used to be worse - the wording is better but still confusing.  So here are possibilities


    "Keep" will modify profile A.  Is that what it does?  No.  It makes sense that this is what one would expect though.

    "Keep" will copy the overrides that I just did into profile B.  Is that what it does?  No.

    "Keep" will load profile B and override the same settings you did on profile A.  Bingo!

    "Discard" will leave profile A alone (not save changes).  True but that's not the intended meaning.

    "Discard" will not apply overrides/changes to profile B.  YES - this is what actually happens.


    Instead it should say something like "discard/Apply" or "transfer".

    "Apply will apply/transfer your customizations to this new profile without actually updating the new profile permanently".


    The key thing missing in the whole description is which profile (a or b / new or old) is being modified.

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    Posted · Discard or Keep Changes??

    I think I'll stay out of this one.

    I'm feeling a little bad for Carla though...ouch!!

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    Posted · Discard or Keep Changes??

    I use both Simplify 3D and Cura 

    I have been using Cura for about 5 years, perhaps more, and I am still very confused by the way the profiles (or materials) works in Cura

    It is not clear at all how to create or adapt materials settings, and then when it asks whether you want to keep or discard changes  to the print settings, again it is also not clear what it is asking - it is confusing

    I have been desperate for a tutorial video on how to do this

    There is a video from a few years ago but this still does not cover it properly

    Many times I have fine-tuned the settings for a particular printer, then lost these settings because I did the wrong thing at the question save or discard changes

    Nowadays I keep a spreadsheet with all my preferred materials settings so if I lose them in Cura, I can reinsert them manually, but this is very time consuming

    With Simplify3D it is much easier to create and edit materials for your printer

    I think a lot of users probably use very standard materials and so don't need to do a lot of fine tuning - I use materials such as ninjaflex that are difficult to get right so I have to do a lot of fine tuning which is difficult in Cura but easy in Simplify 3D

    I am a professional user but I still have problems - so I suggest something is wrong




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    Posted · Discard or Keep Changes??

    Further to my post above


    I think the options should be:


    "save changes to current material"

    "discard changes to current material"

    "save changes as new material"







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    Posted · Discard or Keep Changes??

    Whether you choose "keep" or "discard", nothing is saved to disk.  No profiles on disk are modified.


    Yes I hope Cura becomes easier to understand in this regard.  I have 2 things for you:


    1) When you change to another profile (because you opened one or because you changed material, etc) you get the keep or discard popup.  The idea is you have a profile plus on top of it some settings modifications (that aren't saved and won't be saved permanently).  Each modification you may have noticed had a little circle/arrow (like Undo icon).  The question is asking if you want to just open the new profile and DISCARD all the unsaved modifications you had made on top of the old profile.  Or if you want to carry forward (KEEP) the changes to the new profile.


    For example if the old profile had temp 200 and you had changed it to 205 and the new profile has temp 201, KEEP means: after it loads the new profile it changes the temp to 205 (in memory only - nothing saved to disk).  Discard would have the new temp at 201 and again nothing saved to disk.


    2) Don't use profiles in Cura - there is another trick just as good.  Profiles work pretty well, but when you upgrade cura sometimes not so well.  What works much better (at least for me since Cura 2.X came out) is that whenever you slice, also do "File" "Save..." and save the *project*.  This saves what profile you are working on (it saves a new copy I think) and what settings were changed on top of it (with those settings having the little "redo" icon).  In addition it saves machine settings, STL files, transformations to the STL files, and everything else.  So if you had 2 STL files and each was printed 9 times on the bed it will save all that information, where they were located and so on.


    "projects" just works better for me (and many others) - it seems to be more dependable, less buggy.  If I want to print something new I can load any old project (not profile) that uses the same material and settings as I'm printing next and then delete the part(s) in on the bed and drag on the new STL file(s).

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    Posted · Discard or Keep Changes??
    4 minutes ago, Peter_Oxford said:


    "save changes to current material"

    To make things more complicated - cura when used with Ultimakers doesn't just have one profile for each material.  Typically it will have at least one for each nozzle aka "core".  Plus one for each intent (e.g. fine, draft).  So if there are 3 intents and 4 nozzle sizes you would have typically 12 (3X4) profiles for one material (e.g. PLA).  There are many hundreds of profiles just for the S5 alone and most of those duplicated for the other Ultimaker printers.

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    Posted · Discard or Keep Changes??

    Thanks gr5


    The fact that it took more than 5 paragraphs for you to explain that is an indication of how overly-complex it is !!!


    I can see that the "project" approach is ok as a workaround 


    However it makes no sense that you would want to "keep" changes if you were changing to a different material


    What is needed is an easy method of saving modified materials for future use


    That is easy to do in Simplify3D but not, it seems, in Cura


    I use dual extrusion all the time and all that is needed is a set of materials profiles that can be applied to either nozzle (or both)




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    Posted · Discard or Keep Changes??

    My most common change is to disable acel and jerk, set all speeds to 40mm/sec, use skirt, set initial horiz expansion to -0.3.  If I change materials or nozzle size I want those mods to carry over.

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    Posted · Discard or Keep Changes??

    Hi gr5 I think you replied to the wrong thread


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    Posted · Discard or Keep Changes??
    On 8/7/2020 at 12:40 PM, Peter_Oxford said:

    However it makes no sense that you would want to "keep" changes if you were changing to a different material

    @Peter_Oxford - I was speaking to your claim above. I was explaining that it does make sense. At least for me. If you look at the settings I mention, all of them apply to all materials. I don’t usually mess with temperature and that’s pretty much the only setting that changes for materials.

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    Posted · Discard or Keep Changes??

    Hi gr5


    I don't agree with this when you say:


    "I don’t usually mess with temperature and that’s pretty much the only setting that changes for materials."


    For TPU materials such as Ninjaflex there are a number of settings that will commonly need to be changed, such as speed, flow rate, number of shells, infill percentage, fine tuning of retraction settings. Also for PVA materials, the different brands of PVA material often require settings to be adjusted.  Also these settings can vary on different printers and therefore fine-tuning is often required. 


    In my experience using Simplify3D it is straightforward to create a set of custom materials that can easily be saved and used when required. I just can't understand what that appears to be not an option in Cura.





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    Posted · Discard or Keep Changes??

    I agree, this has to be THE most complicated dialog of the whole app.  It makes little sense that opening a project should ever be allowed to overwrite an exiting profile (at that stage anyways).  Opening a profile with a different set of parameters (but from an existing profile) should just append its profile to the profiles list TEMPORARILY (and only while that project is in use) rather than creating a new permanent profile.  Then add a mechanism to allow the user to copy/save that temporary profile onto an existing profile.  


    As it stands now, I'm presented with 2 choices, and I have not a clue which one to select every time it appears.

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    Posted (edited) · Discard or Keep Changes??

    I understand the OP's problem 100%!


    This window is badly designed, confusing and needs a make-over.

    Nobody (without twisting his mind) easily understands what Cura wants.

    Contributing to the confusion is the fact that there seems to be a bug which triggers this "discard / keep" message even if nothing was changed.


    And about the language: Come on, he was just very direct. Not rude. And your customer!!

    The way he explained everything already showed his dedication to this issue.

    Edited by ac2022
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