JohnInOttawa 104
I was finally able to get a better look inside the core with a borescope. I wasn't able to get as far as I would have liked, but there is debris there that is resisting removal with the cleaning filament.
I think what is going on now is that whatever is down there is either wedged or was baked at high temp from before and is not coming out with the cleaning filament, but rather is causing the filament to break first. Due to the small diameter of the nozzle orifice, I'm not going to be able to push the debris through.
I will need to try something different.I'm wondering about a copper 'reamer'. that won't damage the steel or brass components, but am not sure if that is going to wreck the teflon liner.
My other option is to risk removal of the nozzle. Having looked at the video for print core disassembly, I have the tools and a fine enough vice here that I can remove the nozzle without snapping the neck, but there are so many warning about doing this, I'd like to cross check options and techniques first.
@gr5, I know you have expertise here. I'd welcome your input.
Thanks in advance!
Edited by JohnInOttawa
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Montani 4
Hi John,
Sound like there is still some left in there. You could work around the cleaning wizards and play with the temperatures yourself. If you use white or transparent filament to clean, you can observe well if there is still something filament left. Are you sure you have cleaned it all the way?
Good luck!
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JohnInOttawa 104
Thanks for getting back to me. I've used two full rods of cleaning filament and the shape of what I am pulling out looks pretty good. There was a lot of material caked on the outside of the nozzle from the previous owner, so I am in the process of gently removing that now. I'm not sure how hot it was printed, so will try some high temp filament next.
Thanks again!
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