Funny - I was thinking 4mm retraction is too much for such a short bowden. If you retract too much then air can get in the print head and cause over extrusion and later underextrusion. You want the minimum retraction that relieves pressure.
It's hard to tell in the photo but that looks pretty thin - extra thin stringing is extra hard to get rid of in settings and extra easy to remove. 10 seconds with your fingers and then apply a flame to that area of the part for about 1/8th of a second and the strings all retract into the walls magically. Try it!
If you want zero stringing - one way is to lower the speed by about half. Try 30mm/sec for ALL the printing speeds. So decide: Do you want to save 60 minutes by printing faster and then have to clean up some strings (20 seconds) at the end? Or do you want to print 60 minutes slower but not have to spend 20 seconds cleaning up strings. Again - try the flame.
By the way, having speeds of 100, 80, and 60mm/sec for different parts of the print just seems to be asking for trouble. Every speed change causes over or under extrusion.
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KW-Jacky 1
I think you can try increase the retraction distance and restraction speed to eliminate the print string.
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