I have been fighting this issue for almost 9 months out of the 16 months I have had the machine. I had that exact same error, went through all the same cleaning and maintenance to no avail.
Went through tons of tech support chats, sent pics and videos, unplugged the fans to rule out shorts, etc. Ended up having to send it for warranty repairs in June which took over a month round trip.
The issue was diagnosed as a bad print head PCB. They fixed it m, tested it, sent it back.
Within weeks of getting it back, a slightly different leveling issue came up. It would not bring the bed up to touch nozzle 2 but it would act like it did, then touch off nozzle 1 and it would get a “height difference exceeds realistic values” and it would shut down.
This happened randomly for a couple months but within the last month or two, this would happen on my first try of every print. Then a couple weeks ago, it started happening more than once before it would go. Another round of tech support led to another bad PCB diagnosis.
So because I’m out of warranty now but it started before it was up, they sent me the PCB to install myself. I installed this tonight and now it won’t run any prints. It will not go past the leveling. I just spent hours again, manual leveling, cleaning, unplugging fans, switching nozzles, using different materials. Nothing works.
Gonna tear it apart again tomorrow to makes sure the install was correct and try again. If that doesn’t work, I’ll put the one I just took out back in and see if it acts any different.
I’m at a point where i just don’t know. $10k to get a machine that you shouldn’t have to fight with and all I have been doing is fighting it.
Are there flaws in the PCB’s? What else do I even try? I thought about buying a full replacement print head but that’s another $500.
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Carbon 29
We are experiencing a similar problem on our S5, whereby the "Active Levelling....." throws up an error. The button is pressed to tell the printer the part has been removed, then then printer asks, "Do you want to print again?", we then press YES, and "Auto Levelling is fine after that.
It ALWAYS occurs after the printer has been inactive for a day or so.......the nozzle is free from plastic and is also clean.
Only started to occur after Cura Version: 4.13.0
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Smithy 1,146
It has nothing to do with the Cura version. Also technical it is not possible, because the leveling is a firmware feature, which kicks in before the gcode is executed.
There could be several reasons for this:
It is really hard to find and to solve. I also have seen personally the issue you have described, that it is working after the retry.
You can also search the forum here for other postings and advises, there are a lot. Or just contact your reseller for further help. Unfortunately it is nothing where we can say, hey do xyz and then it is fixed. Sorry!
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