You may remember Jonny that I am attempting to make a C-130 Hercules for remote controlled flight. After re-researching the topic I'm not 100% sure why I went with ABS. What I read today indicates that PLA has better bonding between layers and is stronger overall. It might be that I was concerned about softening in the summer sun - better not make it a dark color.
I also am experiencing warping with ABS.
I am at the point with the plane that I want to start printing it. I think I'll try PLA next. I had been making the sections of the plane thicker adding "ribs" to prevent warping and help the layers adhere. I'd really prefer to keep things thinner and lighter as I am concerned about the overall weight of the plane. Right now the skin averages .8mm thick.
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jonnybischof 60
I think the first thing you should do is print a little slower, maybe 75 mm/s or even 50mm/s while you're trying to get this sorted. I hardly ever print faster than 75mm/s, especially when I have problems with the print.
The slower you print, the more time there is for the nozzle to bond the fluid plastic onto the solid layer below it.
I think I printed my ABS prints very slowly, like 40mm/s. But it's been some weeks so I'm not sure anymore.
Next thing: Maybe your temperature is too high. If it is too high, the ABS plastic will take degrade inside the printhead. Try decreasing the temperature in small steps, maybe 5°C.
I don't have much experience with ABS, but I had to carefully tune the nozzle temperature as well as the bed temperature in order to get a useful result.
I never had layer adhesion problems though - in fact my ABS prints were rock solid (had to crush them with a hammer in order to destroy them. Yes, I do these kinds of tests
My ABS prints just warped and shrinked so badly that I decided to go back to PLA whenever possible...
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