I tried the tool suggested in this topic and it completely removed the threaded hole from my stl part. So perhaps there is an issue with my part.
I tried the tool suggested in this topic and it completely removed the threaded hole from my stl part. So perhaps there is an issue with my part.
This is zoomed into the top portion of your threads. All of those facets indicate errors in the model. The blue areas indicate open edges that confuse Cura because the program can't tell the inside from the outside.
These threads happen to be male but you can see that there isn't any of that "faceting" that is apparent in your model.
Thanks Greg.
The error message didn't show up in my Cura.
I wonder why cura was able to print the threads in a horizontal orientation, though...
When a model slices differently in one orientation as opposed to another, that is one of my indicators that there are problems with the model.
Cura slices horizontally and so with the model rotated onto it's side it looks totally different to the slicing software.
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GregValiant 1,415
Cura points out problems with the model graphically and with the popup. I tried to repair it with MS 3D Builder but no luck. You really need to re-do the threads in CAD.
An on-line repair service gave this report but was unable to repair the model.
From https://formware.co/OnlineStlRepair
-> Analyzed your file:
--> 25 Naked edges (?)
--> 0 Planar holes (?)
--> 0 Non-planar holes (?)
--> 119 Non-manifold edges (?)
--> 180 Inverted faces (?)
--> 0 Degenerate faces (?)
--> 38 Duplicate faces (?)
--> 0 Disjoint shells (?)
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