GregValiant 1,455
Thank you. I sliced the model without making any changes and then saved the Gcode.
Here are the outer wall numbers from layer 5. I picked that layer randomly. The numbers are the same for the outer walls on all layers.
I've erased the E numbers so it's easier to read:
G1 F1500 X159.8 Y159.8
G1 X159.8 Y140.2
G1 X140.2 Y140.2
G1 X140.2 Y159.8
The X size is 159.8 - 140.2 = 19.6
The Y size is 159.8 - 140.2 = 19.6
That is the path of the centerline of the nozzle. We add 1/2 line width all the way around and the cube will print at 20.00 x 20.00 as it should.
So the Gcode is telling the printer to go to the correct locations but the printer appears to be missing the marks.
It is an extremely rare thing to have to calibrate the X, Y, or Z steps/mm. It is so rare that I haven't actually heard of anyone who has had to do it.
A much more likely cause is trolley wheels that are out of adjustment, loose belts, or possibly a loose hot end. You have Acceleration enabled at a fairly reasonable 1000mm/sec and that should be fine. If the E-steps aren't calibrated correctly then prints can suffer dimensionally, but they will either be over or under extruded the same in both the X and Y axes. You wouldn't get a model that was too big one way and too small the other way.
Check the belts. They should twang like the strings of a bass guitar.
With the printer turned off - run the print head back and forth by hand in the X and the build plate fore and aft in the Y. Try to wiggle them. Look for sloppiness in the movements. They should be crisp but not overly tight. You should be just able to spin any trolley wheel with your fingers. With the machine cold grab the nozzle with your fingers and see if you can wiggle it.
Let us know how you make out.
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GregValiant 1,455
@BlasterGales That problem could be in your Cura settings or in your printer.
Load a calibration cube and set Cura up to slice it. Then use the "File | Save Project" command to create a 3mf project file. Post that 3mf file here.
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BlasterGales 0
here it is
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