- Solution
tinkergnome 927
Another reference is the assembly manual
https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2/blob/master/um2 assembly manual V1.1 _english.pdf
and the mainboard schematics:
As fas as i can see the 5V cable inside the wiring loom should be pink (ground) and blue (+5V) - assembly manual page 65
There are pictures of the 5V fan and its connector as well (page 51)
Hope that helps!
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MariMakes 204
Hey @Langly,
Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉
I don't have a lot of experience with replacing the fans.
But I do have the manual for replacing the fans, and they have a lot of pictures.
Maybe it helps. 👼
UM2+ - Replacing the fans (1).pdf
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Langly 0
Hey Mari, thank you very much for this. I learned some handy stuff from the manual, especially the bit about aligning the bearings, but sadly it doesn't mention the polarity of the fan DC supply, although it does point out which way the rear fan should be facing, which suggests that the direction it spins in is important. Thank you.
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