thanks for your response. I have indeed the version with the black feeder.
in between I replaced the tfm coupler(was deformed) in the extruder head
the rear fan had a broken wire, but i found out after repairing, it would still not run. However if I apply 4.5v to the fan via the connector (uncoupled from the orange/blue wired connector of course. It does run smoothly. Nothing blocks the fan either
i measured the voltage on the orange/blue connector after switching on the machine and heating the nozzle, but it remains 0 so the issue could be the connector to the main board or even the main board itself.
So the story will continue
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Hi @VidJa
Welcome in here.
I've also an UM2 Extended..
First, do you have the plus version of the UM2 E+? Or, do you have the old version with the black feeder at the back UM2 E?
Looking at the filament sticking out of the "bowden tube" made me think that the extruder cooling fan do not work.
This fan "normally" start to run when you switch on the printer the old version UM2. However if you have a "new" + version this fan do not start before the extruder heater sensor reach a preset temperature where this fan should start.
If this fan stop working, the upper part of the extruder would slowly be heated due to lack of cooling. This problem will soften the filament some until it be completely blocked.
Stringed filament can find it's way into the fan and partially lower the speed or even stop the fan working.
The power to the fan may be interrupted due to a broken wire at connector or some place along thus wire bundle.
Edit: This fan is the one on the back side of the extruder head (the small 5 VDC fan).
Let's see how this go.
More info.
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