For the Ultimaker2 the print temperature is set on the printer.
Thanks for the quick and useful reply.
Perhaps the "Speed and Temperature" heading should just say "Speed" in some future release!
For the Ultimaker2 the print temperature is set on the printer.
Thanks for the quick and useful reply.
Perhaps the "Speed and Temperature" heading should just say "Speed" in some future release!
This part of Cura has been redesigned in the next major release of Cura. It's *completely* different. You won't recognize it.
Also you can set temperature and speed by layer and change infill by layer or part if printing multiple parts and all kinds of good stuff. That version of Cura is code named "pink unicorn" and there's lots of discussion but Daid seems to be working on non-software issues lately.
Neither show the Printer temperature field on the "Basic" page.
As long as you use the GCode-Flavor "UltiGCode" the temperature settings are just hidden.
If you change the GCode Flavor in the machine settings, the input fields come back...
The name of the section on the basic page simple keeps its name - independend from the GCode Flavor.
There is no magical design change.
Perhaps the "Speed and Temperature" heading should just say "Speed" in some future release!
It's one of those legacy things in Cura right now. While it's just speed for the UM2, it's speed and temperature for the rest. And due to how the translations of Cura work, making this depended on the printer type is one of the things that would make it complex to handle this properly.
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IRobertI 521
For the Ultimaker2 the print temperature is set on the printer.
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