I think the question was how to split objects or design them... isn´t?
I'm a SolidWorks-user too and usually design only technical parts and no design parts or figurines.
I generate my model in the first step as one complete part.
Next step if I´d like to split it, is to start to cut away the not needed parts with defined sketches and cut-extrusions.
For the second half I swap the outer contour of the sketch to cut away the other half...
Maybe a bit weired description but I hope it is a bit understandable :smile:
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3dcase 37
a 2 coloured stl is called a *.amf, that could be a opion. never used it myself.
For Slicing I use Cura, can load amf's.
But I use 2 stl's to be merged.
In your designsoftware you make an object. Split it in the way you like your colours or materials to be.
In Cura the two different stl's are assigned to 2 hotends.
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