make sure the end with the last of the material and the new one going in are flat. push them together as it is being fed through, wait. it gets really fun if you have lots of retraction going on.
make sure the end with the last of the material and the new one going in are flat. push them together as it is being fed through, wait. it gets really fun if you have lots of retraction going on.
make sure the end with the last of the material and the new one going in are flat. push them together as it is being fed through, wait. it gets really fun if you have lots of retraction going on.
How to push them together into the feeder?! Is it no problem when print processing? under extrusion, ugly seam...etc.?
make sure the end with the last of the material and the new one going in are flat. push them together as it is being fed through, wait. it gets really fun if you have lots of retraction going on.
Yup! - and I don't think I'll be trying that in the middle of a big print again... :-)
i have my own feeder on the umo so filament goes in easily, if you have a tough time normally inserting filament with the stock one then you might need to practice a bit as long as you have good ends, the join is not noticeable. never tried it on the um2, but with robert's feeder it looks doable.
chris is right, if it's because of running out, it's not fun. use a towel to hold the filament, your fingers might get a bit sweaty for color changes on prints it's good fun.
The next firmware release will have a "change material" option when you pause the printer.
Will it automatically do a retraction an lift the head out of the way?
The pause function on the UM2 already retracts and move the head to the back left corner (and have been doing it for a long time)?
I was thinking of UMO
If you keep some acetone in a syringe handy, it's easy to spot weld the ends of ABS filament together on the fly.
The next firmware release will have a "change material" option when you pause the printer.
Is that out now?
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The next firmware release will have a "change material" option when you pause the printer.
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