Which settings are you using?
Here are the current settings: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/gallery/image/12924-um-settings-poor-pla-extrustion/. Please let me know of any suggestions.
120mm/s and 0.2mm layer height??? gr5 is right it's about 3 times more then what would be ok
Indeed, that is way way too fast.
Also, why are you turning the bed heat off part way through the print? If you do that you can actually have the parts pop off the bed before the print is done which would ruin the print most likely.
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gr5 2,271
That's severe underextrusion. Maybe 30% of what you need (one third).
I'm thinking you might be printing too cold or too fast. Here are recommended speeds for .2mm layers. If you are printing .1mm you can print twice as fast and so on:
20mm/sec at 200C
30mm/sec at 210C
40mm/sec at 225C
50mm/sec at 240C
If you don't know your printing temp or your printing speed, get out of Cura quickprint mode to find speed. And go into TUNE menu while printing to get temperature.
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