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Everything posted by Daid

  1. Lasers in an open machine are the worst idea. Everything over 5mW is a danger to your eyes. I have a 500mW laser, which allows engraving of wood, and cutting of paper. But I have a set of safety googles with it.
  2. No idea, the update-firmware used to work flawlessly for years for a lot of people. But on the UM2 it's giving occasional problens on some machines. I haven't found out the cause yet.
  3. It doesn't? What's wrong with it then? There have been a few minor problems with it, but in 14.03 I ironed them all out.
  4. How does the 14.01 release do on those models? I have a few tweaks and stuff I can try. But in the end it's a careful balance between keeping the model detail and not generating too verbose GCode.
  5. That's crazy anyhow. Acetone vapor is a fire hazard, and a health risk. Would be hard to sell under proper CE legislation.
  6. Actually, these results are expected. The areas where no combing happens are so thin that combing would have a bad effect on the outside skin quality, as the nozzle would be traveling too close to it. So it retracts and travels. (You can see the retraction marks on the preview)
  7. It will happen on large prints, as it resets the E value after 10 meters: https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/blob/master/src/gcodeExport.cpp#L246
  8. https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/blob/master/src/fffProcessor.h#L478 It will not add the M107 if the fan was off to begin with, so on a single layer part, or a print without fans enabled you will not get the M107.
  9. For the UM-Origonal it is 200*8/3 steps per mm. For the UM2 it is 200 steps per mm. So you would want multiplies of 0.001875mm for the UM-Origonal and multiplies of 0.005mm for the UM2. However, there is microstepping in the mix. And microstepping is not perfect we discovered recent tests. The size of each steps follows a small sinus wave. So, with the x8 microstepping that we have, you would want: Multiplies of 0.015mm for the UM-Origonal and multiplies of 0.04mm for the UM2. For the best magic layerheights. (For the number freaks that is. And maybe for the really thin layers, also Cura as an internal accuracy of 1 micron)
  10. Most of the "discount with Doodle3D" orders got send out the last 2 weeks, explaining the larger amount of support issues on them. While the people handling logistics do their best to make sure every kit is complete, sometimes they are not. Resulting in missing bits. A support order and a bit of patience will fix this for free.
  11. He did, see his other topic: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/5059-arrrggghh-bits-missing/
  12. This was a planned feature, but so far, I haven't got around to build it yet. The code is prepared for it, but the implementation to store/load the profiles to SD is not there yet.
  13. Note the drivers in Cura 14.03 might fail to install, the 14.03-TEST2 version contain newer drivers: http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/
  14. Quite long actually. I did rotate and scale the model, as I assumed that is what you also did.
  15. Those bad parts on the MB print look like break-away support material which isn't removed yet. I could be wrong here. However, I would have printed it without break away support. Still, some of those details look awfully small for FDM printing.
  16. The kit on ebay is not assembled and more expensive then in our own shop I think. So that's a bit crazy. https://www.ultimaker.com/products/ultimaker-original Assembled for 1500 euros.
  17. Odd, model saves fine on my PC...
  18. Yes, but the idea proposed here, is to have a button in Cura to upload&start the print, so you do not need to go to the webinterface.
  19. That's a bit scary. There is also the "current" and "develment" api which are vastly different... Still, would be possible to implement, with the doodle3d as example: https://github.com/daid/Cura/blob/SteamEngine/Cura/util/printerConnection/doodle3dConnect.py Discovery would be indeed an issue. But could be solved with: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_Service_Discovery_Protocol
  20. Can you mail me the model? Then I can take a look at it. d.braam@ultimaker.com
  21. This. The code tries to get the most efficient order. But, there are cases where it does not care if it does one part or another first. In that case, I cannot even predict which will print first, as it depends on the order in which you loaded the files (indirectly)
  22. I'm sorry that that happened. We do not want to give off that illusion. Note that free software, with free updates, is not always the case. For example, we have Trotec lasercutter at the office. Nice machine, but the software we have is horrible. So, we asked if there was an update. There is, costs 450 euro, and they cannot tell us what has improved...
  23. Actually, I think you are wrong. I think our ideas match more then you would think. The expert settings dialog is becoming an unwieldy beast. And most settings actually relate to something you configure at another place. So the idea is to give each setting "group" different levels of configuration. So you no longer have expert-settings. You have expert-brim-settings for example. Gives room for more settings, without cluttering the UI with lots of options. As you only see what you want to see. (and if you want to see everything, you can)
  24. No settings should carry over, any that do is a bug...
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