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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. In the Machine Settings in the Printers pane of the preferences, make sure the "Origin at center" option is not checked.
  2. Without seeing the model it is hard to tell for sure, but chances are the model is "non-manifold", which confuses Cura. Basically Cura looses track of what is "inside" or "outside" the walls of the structure. I always thinks this is a good explanation: https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/blob/master/resources/articles/troubleshooting/missing_parts.md#non-manifold-meshes Your model would need to be "repaired". 3d Builder, which comes with Windows 10 and 11, often does a decent job at repairing meshes (but it too can get confused about what you actually meant the model to be like).
  3. The minimum allowed value is now "Initial Printing Temperature" or "Final Printing Temperature", whichever is higher. You will have to lower both these values too.
  4. It should also be possible to grab the axis; you don't have to grab the arrowheads.
  5. The best place to report bugs and get an acknowledgement is https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/new/choose But even there, it may take a couple of days before someone gets round to checking it out.
  6. I'm sorry, I still don't understand. Please provide a scenario, something like this: User enters value 'X' for setting 'Y'. 'Z' should happen. By just having the standard inheritance, 'A' happens instead. I could implement it by doing B, but then 'C' happens and that is undesirable because of 'D' It is better not to fight the Cura inheritance system, but work along with it.
  7. That is more of a problem than a benefit, given the configuration files conflict you are seeing. For the sidebar gui it is a problem because 5.3 alpha and 5.3 beta have a different SDK version but the same major and minor version number., and some major changes in the UI code that would normally break the plugin. Through somewhat sheer luck, my plugin regards the alpha as Cura 5.2 enough that it seems to work.
  8. The Sidebar GUI plugin does not "invent" that field, it just places it in a more logical spot of the UI. It is the exact same UI element that is normally hidden away in the extruder configuration that pops up when you click the extruder in the top bar. On a related note: a prerelease of the Sidebar GUI for Cura 5.3 is now available here: https://github.com/fieldOfView/Cura-SidebarGUIPlugin/releases/tag/v4.5.1-DEV Download the curapackage for 5.0 and newer and drop it onto the buildplate in Cura as if you were loading a 3d model. I have not tested this release on the 5.3 alpha. It could work, or it could break the UI.
  9. Why would you say that? How even could a plugin that you don't have installed cause this, and how would it be related to the Sidebar GUI plugin?
  10. As always, the Sidebar GUI plugin needs to be updated to be compatible with the new version of Cura. I am working on creating a compatible version now.
  11. You don't have to implement anything in Python; Cura already handles inheritance for you. Define the "value" of "klipper_retract_speed" as "klipper_retraction_speed". The "value" is a string that gets evaluated by Python, and all registered settings are available as variables in that string. You can also set the value to "klipper_rectraction_speed * 1.05" to have the value 5% higher than that of the "main" setting.
  12. Yes. The "tune" settings start at what is currently printing. You change the "live" value. I think that once the gcode file specifies a new temperature or cooling fan value, that may override what you tuned. The speed change in the tune menu works a bit different than the other two values you mention and it is mostly a "multiplier" for the speeds in the gcode.
  13. The problem is not that Cura thinks that the two models are one, but they "melt together" while printing. Printers are not infinitely precise, like your models can be. You can adjust the "Horizontal Expansion" setting to have Cura print the models with slightly more room between them, so they don't melt together as much. Also check out and experiment with the "Slicing Tolerance" setting.
  14. Unfortunately there is a hard to track down issue where Cura crashes opening dialogs on a secondary display. Please try disabling all but your primary display, then launch Cura and see if the Marketplace dialog opens. PS: you don't need an account to download plugins.
  15. It should not be necessary to download a plugin to get these tools. It looks like some plugins that come bundled with Cura and should be enabled by default are not loading, and we need to find out why. To diagnose this - like with many bugs - we need to see your logs. See https://support.makerbot.com/s/article/1667337559413 for details on where to find them.
  16. 100% should be 100%, no matter what paper you print on. It is not "100% of the width of the available paper", but "not scaled to the paper". Make sure not to enable any "fit to paper" (or ssimilar) settings. Just 100%.
  17. See https://www.obico.io/ (formerly Spaghetti Detective) Bambu Labs printers also have something like that integrated (https://bambulab.com/en), but I don't know if they just licensed Spaghetti Detective or trained their own. You may also be interested in this conversation: https://community.octoprint.org/t/computer-vision-applied-to-3d-printing/1025 (see eg https://plugins.octoprint.org/plugins/kronos_data_collector/ )
  18. Are you looking for a dataset for machine-learning? If so, there are a couple of companies that made a collection, but they are not sharing them publicly.
  19. If you used export, you have to use import. These files have extension .curaprofile If you want to copy files to the configuration folder, copy them from a configuration folder. Those files have the extension .inst.cfg You cannot mix the two methods.
  20. I once made a start to something similar: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/pull/9036
  21. Yes, I read that. I was trying to find out if this was the same underlying issue that is solved by repositioning the model. The developers care. However it is an issue that is hard to reproduce, and any issue that is hard to reproduce is hard to fix.
  22. It is completely unnecessary to reset Cura to the defaults, removing all custom profiles. Just select one of the default qualities, and Cura will ask you if you want to keep any settings that are not stored in a custom profile. Select "Discard changes" and you are back on a default profile with default settings.
  23. I currently don't have time to look into it. Can you easily reproduce it with a model and certain settings? If so, a project file is also useful to track down the issue. If the problem also resolves itself by slightly repositioning or rotating the model, there is a known bug that can keep models from slicing.
  24. Do you run any sort of antivirus application that may have "quarantined" that DLL? Check if the dll exists in C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 5.2.2 (or whatever version of Cura you use).
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