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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. Unfortunately, that GPU seems to support up to OpenGL 4.0, so you are out of luck for the full functionality with that GPU. Edit: actually, there's contradicting information. Some sites claim it can do OpenGL 4.3 or even 4.6.
  2. No, that is not what I was trying to say. I gave a solution where they can make a whole custom printer that will let them use *any* nozzle size. So they could use that new printer for all their nozzles. Crappy workaround or not, what I did was give them an option for something that works without editing (potentially many) files. Another workaround is to keep the current printer configuration, select the nearest available nozzle size (eg 1.0 mm for a 1.4 mm nozzle), and then adjust the "line width" setting. What I could have explained better is that Cura is not limited to certain nozzle sizes, but the printer definition that comes with Cura is.
  3. Make sure the box that shows the either of the layer numbers has the focus (click in the box), and then use the up and down arrow keys.
  4. I always find the figures here a good explanation about why "bad" models confuse Cura: https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/blob/master/resources/articles/troubleshooting/missing_parts.md#non-manifold-meshes
  5. Looks like you may have "spiralize outer contour" enabled (also known as "vase mode"), or a combination of "remove all holes" and 0% infill. If you save a project and post a link to it here, we can tell you for sure.
  6. Cura checks if the start gcode contains commands to heat up the hotend and bed before the print is started. If the start gcode does not have command to do that, CuraEngine adds the three lines (M190, M104, M109) before your start gcode just to make sure that the hotend is not cold before starting the actual print. If you don't want Cura to add these lines, make sure your start gcode contains lines which have {material_print_temperature} and {material_bed_temperature} or {material_print_temperature_layer_0} and {material_bed_temperature_layer_0} in them respectively. eg: ;... code that should go before the heatup sequence here! M140 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} ;Start heating bed M104 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0} ;Wait for extruder to reach temp before proceeding M190 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} ;Wait for bed to reach temp before proceeding Be sure NOT to put in the actual temperatures; Cura will do that for you.
  7. There are two plugins in the Marketplace that will let you specify the printjob name: Printjob Naming and Gcode Filename Format Plus.
  8. Originally the version numbers of Cura were based on the year and month of the release of the version. So version 15.04 was originally released in april of 2015 (quite a bit longer than 3 years ago). When the frontend of Cura was completely rewritten, the version numbering was "reset" to something more "semantic", starting from Cura 2.x. The "Split object into parts" functionality can be added back into Cura 5.x with the Mesh Tools plugin from the Marketplace. There are other plugins in the Marketplace that you may like too. Ofcourse if you feel that 15.4 is better, feel free to use that version. It is more than 7 years old though.
  9. Could it be that you have the "spiralize outer contour" setting checked? This printjob is not suitable for spiralizing.
  10. Though the iPad Pro and Mac Book Air may have the same chips, they use a distinctly different operating system. There are similarities, but there are very big differences too. Some of the important "frameworks" that Cura uses are not available on iPad OS. It is not very likely that Ultimaker Cura is going to be available on iPad OS any time soon.
  11. Your model is probably "non manifold". Here's an explanation about what non-manifold means and why it is a problem: https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/blob/master/resources/articles/troubleshooting/missing_parts.md#non-manifold-meshes Here are some tips about using sketchup for 3d printing: https://i.materialise.com/blog/en/3d-printing-with-sketchup/
  12. GPUs are good at doing specific things. Only small parts of slicing fit in that specific class of things. It will be a lot of work, and will bring a lot of compatibility issues with cards and drivers versions, and the gains may not (yet) be worth it.
  13. You mean in the Materials pane of the preferences? See the Material Settings plugin in the Marketplace. It will let you configure what settings are visible in the preferences.
  14. In your opening post, you only said "I just updated windows". One of the possible interpretations of that is that you just switched from Windows 10 to Windows 11, and not all drivers may have been properly installed during that update. Do you know what update you ran? Could you try if Cura 4.13 still works? https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/releases/tag/4.13.1
  15. This does not seem to be an error that is thrown by Cura itself, but instead by one of the libraries Cura uses. What GPU do you use? You may have to (re-)install the drivers for the GPU.
  16. Depending on your GPU, it may not be possible to "upgrade" OpenGL. The hardware needs to support it. What GPU do you have?
  17. Cura works in mm, and the Barbarian plugin does not change that (nor is there any other plugin that does). If you have a 1" cube, it should become a 25.4mm cube in Cura. The barbarian plugin helps you if the model instead imports as a 1mm cube. Note that a 25.4mm cube is in fact the same ("original") dimensions as a 1" cube, even if its dimensions are shown in mm instead of inches.
  18. The settings should save automatically. A "save settings" button would use the exact same code as automatic saving, excapt it would be triggered manually (in addition to it happening automatically). So, logically, if automatic saving does not work for you, then neither would manual saving. If automatic saving does not work for you, then that is a bug and we have to get to the bottom of it. Have you tried making a profile out of the settings you changed?
  19. Actually you need 4.1 for full functionality (and 2.0 as a bare minimum). Below 4.1 (so including 4.0) will not get you the full layer view nor the face-to-align functionality.
  20. Your browser interface uses the 'command line' interface of CuraEngine. Cura itself does not use the commandline to communicate with CuraEngine. Cura starts a single "server-like" instance of CuraEngine, and then uses a protocol based on Google Protobuf to communicate with that instance of the slicer. (ie: send meshes and settings, receive progress and sliced data). Detailed progress information may not be available via the commandline interface.
  21. Orange means a warning (where Cura thinks the value may be "unreasonable", but uses it as you entered it). Red means an error (where Cura thinks it is impossible to do that and refuses to slice, eg when you set the layer height to 0).
  22. You can specify the exact extruder to get the value from like so: EXTRUDER1_TEMP={material_print_temperature_layer_0,0} EXTRUDER2_TEMP={material_print_temperature_layer_0,1} Edit: originally, I mistakenly used the | (pipe) character instead of a , (comma). I have edited this to avoid confusion for people finding this via a search engine.
  23. Since you mention the .BAT file, I assume you are using Windows. If so, is there a reason you cannot "extract" the CuraEngine.exe from a normal Cura installation?
  24. Those three options (create, update, discard) only make sense after you made changes to the settings. Change a value of a setting, and the options will become available.
  25. Be aware that there's a reason you may want to have a minimum layer time; the material needs time to cool down and solidify before the next layer is deposited.
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