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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. Any sturdy, stable table will work. Check for side-to-side stiffness; during a print the printer rapidly moves some weight back and forth (the printhead), and you don't want the table to hit a resonant frequency and cause additional vibrations.
  2. Cura will crash on your system (not all systems with multiple displays) when it tries to open a window on the secondary display. This happens when you drag Cura to the secondary display and then open a window (Preferences, About, extensions, keep/discard profile settings, etc). It also happens on the next startup of Cura, when it tries to open the window directly on the secondary display. The latter can be mitigated by unchecking the option to "Restore window position on start" in the general preferences in Cura, but that does not fix the issue of opening dialog windows.
  3. This is often indicative of an issue with Cura running on some systems with multiple displays. Do you have multiple displays? If so, try keeping Cura on the primary display. But please let us know if you do indeed have multiple displays so we can diagnose what is going on.
  4. What plugins did you install? Not all of them manifest as a submenu in the Extensions menu.
  5. We can't tell from these screenshots if there's something wrong with the model, or with your settings. It could be that you have the "Remove all holes" setting enabled. Or your model could be non-manifold. If it is the latter, you could try loading your model into 3d Builder. If it tells you that "one or more models are invalidly defined", let it repair your model and export a new version. If you want to know for sure what is going wrong, attach a Cura project file so we can have a look.
  6. To answer your question: No, there is not. Deleting them from your Cura install would be a very bad idea, because it would break your custom profiles based on the standard ones. A custom profile is always a standard profile + your changes to it, so if you were to remove the standard profile then things "explode" 😉
  7. Unfortunately the one who created the printer profiles for your printer seems to have told Cura "this printer definition comes with specific profiles for each nozzle size", but then only added specific profiles for a single nozzle size. In Cura, printers can either have a selection of nozzle sizes in the top bar (your second screenshot), OR you can change the nozzle size in the Machine Settings (your third screenshot). There is a workaround of sorts with the Printer Settings plugin from the Marketplace. It will let you add the "Nozzle size" setting to the custom printer settings floater.
  8. It should still be possible to load the *.ini file as a profile using the "Import" function on the Profiles pane of the preferences. Remember though that Cura 14.07 is around 9 years old, so it is not so strange that support for it is fairly non-existent by now, and I don't think anyone has tested that import function with such old files for a good while now.
  9. Just wait until you use a print outside and it gets wet for a while... The prints will get all nice and glue-y 😉
  10. The short answer is: you can't. The longer answer is: you can change some settings via the Change at Height post processing script, and many more by using a cutting mesh in the per model settings tool, but not all of them. You can change the Wall Thickness with the per model settings tool though. Perhaps that is what you meant to do?
  11. You have the "Make Overhang Printable" setting enabled. This effectively fills in the area below overhangs.
  12. Unless you changed the hardware to non-standard parts, you do not need to calibrate the e-steps. The e-steps are a function of how many steps per rotation the stepper motors are, and the gearing of the feeder. If the printer is consistently underextruding, something else is going wrong. For example the feeder could be slipping, or skipping steps. You should not fix that with the e-steps configuration. Do you know that the Ultimaker 3, like all other Ultimaker printers, is made to use 2.85 mm filament (as opposed to 1.75 mm filament)?
  13. That setting in the cura.cfg is reflected in the General preferences as the ""Force layer view compatibility mode (restart required)"" toggle. You must have toggled that at some point, when you had not yet told windows you wanted Cura to use the NVidia GPU.
  14. We need to see your Cura.log to know what GPU is being used. See Help -> Show configuration folder and find cura.log.
  15. Yes, there is. It is in the Rotate tool:
  16. Left-click is used to select models and to move models around. If it were also used to pan, it would become unpredictable what happens when left-click and drag on a model.
  17. There is a known issue that Cura has problems opening windows when there are multiple displays. If you have multiple displays, could try try if disabling all but one of them fixes the issue? Then we know that your issue is caused by that same "multiple display" issue.
  18. To add to what @MariMakes said, it could be that one of the plugins you used before has (still) not been updated for Cura 5 and newer, and is not available in the Marketplace for those versions.
  19. We need to see your logs to know what is going on. See https://support.makerbot.com/s/article/1667337559413
  20. Ah, so it is the installer that is not working. I am sorry, I cannot really help you with that. There is nothing special about the installer, it should just run. This may sound like a cop-out, but I would say there's something very wrong with your windows installation if the installer crashes like that. What you could try is manually extracting the files from the installer, and launch Cura without installing it. Normally this should work too, but since your system cannot even run the installer I have a doubt that this works on your system. To extract the files from the installer, first install 7-zip from here: https://www.7-zip.org/download.html Then right-click the Ultimaker Cura installer, and select 7-zip -> Extract files... Place the extracted files in a logical location (eg in a folder in your regular Program Files directory), and start Cura by opening Ultimaker-Cura.exe.
  21. I think you may have to modify the firmware then. As @gr5 already points out, the firmware cuts the power to the stepper motors at the end of a print, so even if you move the bed to a certain height it may drop down again because gravity wins from the combined resistance in the z mechanics. What you could try is add a long pause (G4 dwell), or a pause even to your end gcode after moving the bed to the desired position. But that will prevent the print from "ending', and I don't know what you use to signal your gripper to do its thing.
  22. I think a relevant question is "why?". Why do you want the printer bed to stay at that half-way down point instead of dropping all the way down? If the answer to that question is "because then I can see the finished model in the camera view", then here's a clever alternative solution for that:
  23. To add to what @Dusting said, if the latest Cura version does not work for you, then at least try Cura 4.13. Some frameworks were updated for Cura 5.0 and newer, and there are still some compatibility issues with some operating systems and GPU drivers.
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