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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. Cura is doing what you are telling it to do. The "Dynamic Quality" profile (and custom profiles based on it) have the "Use Adaptive Layers" setting enabled. That setting varies the layer height to get nice rounded geometry without "topography lines", while not taking too long on straight parts of the print. Read more about it here: https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/blob/master/resources/articles/experimental/adaptive_layer_height_enabled.md You can either pick another profile or turn off the Use Adaptive Layers option.
  2. You could try printing it in another orientation (eg standing upright instead of flat on the bed), but that will affect the strength of the part.
  3. The blue lines here a brim lines. This happens because these letters have an "island" inside them, and Cura gets a little confused about what is the inside and what is the outside of the first layer. Since this print is very round, you could try printing it with a skirt instead of a brim.
  4. The layers of the vertical part are simple, so they don't take long enough for the material to solidify before the next layer is printed. There is a setting called "minimum layer time". You could try increasing that. Another way to work around these fast layers is to print multiple of the same object at the same time. Here's a more indepth explanation from the Settings Guide plugin: https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/blob/master/resources/articles/cooling/cool_min_layer_time.md
  5. Here's a listing: http://files.fieldofview.com/cura/Replacement_Patterns.html Most of this list is a "transmogrification" of the fdmprinter.def.json and fdmextruder.def.json files that are part of Cura.
  6. Try printing it standing up... It looks like this is simply caused by overhangs not printing well without support. But even supports won't be a magical fix; sometimes you just have to design for 3d printing, or adjust the printing orientation to get the best result.
  7. Does it happen with the same gcode file at different layer heights each time you try? Then it really does sound like a printer issue.
  8. Cura is not a part creator/editor; it is a slicer for FDM printers (those printers that work with "filament"). For photoresin printers you normally use a different slicer because these printers need different types of commands. Some photoresin prints (typically those that use a galvano laser) can work with gcode created by Cura. But I don't know your type of printer, so I really can't tell if Cura is a suitable tool for your printer.
  9. In order to help you we need a link to your log files. The 'Cura.log' file can be found in the folder that opens when you use the 'Help -> Show configuration folder' menu.
  10. It is not just a matter of the software; your hardware (GPU) must support OpenGL 4.1 or newer.
  11. It is better to use the "Extensions -> Start optimsier -> Restore all configuration files" option before disabling the plugin. Otherwise, if you at some point re-enable the plugin, your new printer configuration may break (because its definitions and profiles are once again not loaded). Only when you tell it to though...
  12. If you change a setting in the "Print Settings" floater (on the right of your screenshot), that always overrides what is set in the Materials pane of the preferences. If you do not have a value set in the "Print Settings" floater (and the profile you have selected doesn't either), then the value set in the Materials pane of the preferences should carry over in the "Print Settings" floater. However, it is very possible that the profile you have selected overrides the value from the material.
  13. You are going to have to remove the inner walls of the blade with a 3d modeler. Cura is not a 3d modeler.
  14. Here's an analogy to think about: you are trying to draw fine lines with a fat sharpy. There are limits to how thin you can print with a 0.4mm nozzle. Here is some more info: https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/blob/master/resources/articles/troubleshooting/missing_parts.md#thin-parts (the "thin parts" section)
  15. The plugin can be found in the plugins folder inside the installed application folder. It is named VectorReader. However it will not be possible to simply drop it into Ultimaker Cura 5.x. The plugin is not compatible with new versions of Cura; it is not clear what version of Cura the creatwit thing is based on so which version of Cura might work with the plugin. The plugin requires at least one dependency that does not ship with Ultimaker Cura ("cbd", I can't find any information on it, it may be custom code). Without a link to the source code - which by the way Creatwit3D are required to give to you if you ask them - there really isn't all that much that you can do.
  16. Check if the X axis is slipping. It seems that the last move is a fair bit faster than the other moves, and it could be that eg one or more pulleys is loose enough that it slips when moving this fast.
  17. The axes indication in the viewport is an indication of where you have told Cura that the origin is in the firmware. Cura has its own internal coordinate system that has its origin in the center of the buildplate. The "origin at center" setting has nothing to do with the coordinates in Cura. It is about what you are telling Cura is the origin on your printer. For ~95% of all normal, orthogonal printers, the origin in the firmware is in the corner of the bed. But for eg delta-style printers, the origin is in the center. It could be that your printer firmware is one of the exceptions, and that the "origin at center" option needs to be checked for your printer.
  18. Did you stop the print outright, or did you observe what was going on for a little while? It looks like those pilars are very thin. They are always going to wobble (try placing a piece of paper on its side, supporting it only at the bottom). If this building would be build, there would be (temporary) scaffolding in place at least until the arches are completed. You also seem to have had a layer shift. I was not there when it happened, but I would guess that the printhead hit one of the wobbling walls, and a stepper skipped a couple of steps (or a belt slipped) because of that.
  19. The gopro would have to behave like a webcam. This is possible on your mac/pc, but only with additional software/drivers, and that software/driver cannot be installed on the printer. So, in short: probably not.
  20. The video you watched was about an older version of Cura. Tree support has moved from being an experimental feature to being an option in the support setting "Support Structure".
  21. You'll have to contact your local reseller. They can typically order any spare part, if they don't have them in stock. https://ultimaker.com/resellers/overview Or you could scour Aliexpress for a cheaper option.
  22. What nozzle size do you have selected in Cura? With a 0.2mm nozzle, you can only print thin layers, so only Ultra Quality and Super Quality will be available. More profiles will be available when you select a bigger nozzle size.
  23. Sometimes when upgrading plugins, Cura seems to think that it has installed the plugin but really didn't. Please try the following: * Uninstall the plugin from Cura 5.2 via the Marketplace dialog. * Close and restart Cura (this step is important!) * Install the plugin again via the Marketplace dialog * Close and restart Cura one more time (sorry) If that does not help, we are going to have to see the Cura.log file from your configuration folder (see Help -> Show configuration folder).
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