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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. Mine is. It is a beta/pre-production unit, but it is very reliable. In the 4.5 years I have used it, I had the bad connection issue in the print-head once. I understand that I should not jump to the conclusion that because mine is reliable that they are all reliable. Obviously some have issues, and those issues should be fixed. The thing with forums is that you are more likely to see people complain; people who are happy are mostly just using the printer instead of posting how great it is. Perhaps if you could share what the poor design decisions are, this could be acted upon for future models.
  2. As a macOS user, the only file you needed was the darwin.dmg file. A .dmg is a "disk image". Many application for macOS come as a disk image. You open the disk image by double clicking it. This "mounts" a virtual disk (as if you had inserted a removable drive). When mounted, a window will open with the Cura application icon in it. Drag that icon to your Applications folder. After copying you can "eject" the virtual drive (like you can eject a USB drive), and you are done with the .dmg file. The appimages contain the whole application for Linux. You do not need them.
  3. You can add something like the following to your start gcode: ;filament length: {filament_amount} ;weight: {filament_weight} ;print time: {print_time} Other replacement patterns can be found here: http://files.fieldofview.com/cura/Replacement_Patterns.html
  4. Read the "thin parts" section here for things you can do to remedy this in Cura: https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/blob/master/resources/articles/troubleshooting/missing_parts.md#thin-parts But it is better to fix thing parts in your modeler.
  5. I think that the major thing that goes wrong is that there are a lot of values that are getting calculated in the UI, which are not calculated in your command-line usage. CuraEngine does not understand Python, so "value" fields in the .def.json need to be evaluated.
  6. Or "Expert" instead of "All". "All" will get you many settings that you likely will not be using, and that will make the long list of setting "unwieldy" and sometimes just confusing.
  7. If you save a project (File -> Save project...) and post a link to it here, we can probably tell you if Cura is doing something wrong, or perhaps your printer/firmware. It looks like the dimensions are off by a factor of 2.54 though, which would suggest that either you measured in inches instead of mm, or your printer is somehow confusing imperial vs metric units. Cura always shows measurements in mm (metric) and produces gcode in metric units.
  8. @Torgeir is right: Cura has never had the ability to reslice a gcode file. Think of it this way: if you slice an apple in 8 slices of equal height, you no longer have an apple but you have apple slices. It is impossible to take those slices and make - say - 9 slices of equal height out of them. Or at least, you understand how that becomes a mess. To slice the model, Cura needs the geometry. A gcode file does not contain geometry. Theoretically one could put all the gcode together and get something that looks like the original mesh, but much like a stack of apple slices, slicing that again has very messy results.
  9. Thanks for confirming that fancyzones is still an issue. Not everybody who is experiencing the issue uses fancyzones, but it may give me a way to reproduce the issue and find an underlying cause.
  10. There are more people affected by that issue, @jadoglio, see fieldOfView/Cura-SidebarGUIPlugin/issues/29 and prior to that fieldOfView/Cura-SidebarGUIPlugin/issues/24. Unfortunately I have sofar been unable to really reproduce the issue, which makes it very hard to start to do something about it.
  11. The method in that video still works, though the exact path of the file has changed a little. It is also still a very easy workaround to tell Cura you have an Ender 3 Pro instead of an Ender. But most importantly, you should realize the gray areas are there for a reason. Please read this article about the different types of gray area, and how they are affected by things like a skirt or brim etc: https://support.makerbot.com/s/article/1667337565436
  12. Well, there are other options now too, such as Moonraker/Klipper, and some other brand-specific plugins. But only very few of those will integrate with the "Connect to IP Address" dialog you see when first adding a printer to Cura, That part is indeed mostly just for Ultimaker printers. AFAIK, the Creality Cloud plugin (https://www.crealitycloud.com/post-detail/7865) connects via the cloud and using that you will not need to enter an IP address for the printer; the cloud takes care of that. But support for that plugin really needs to come from Creality; I only know that the plugin exists.
  13. What operating system do you use? Did you download Cura from the Ultimaker website, or do you use something from a package manager/ If the latter, it could be that that package is missing a dependency or two. We can further diagnose the issue if you post a link to the Cura.log file, which can be found via Help -> Show configuration folder.
  14. That menu item is only available with the Startup Optimizer plugin is installed. If it isn't installed, then there is no use in resetting its configuration (which is what the mentioned menu-item does).
  15. Your model is not "manifold". See this explanation: https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/blob/master/resources/articles/troubleshooting/missing_parts.md#non-manifold-meshes You could try loading the model in 3d Builder. It will tell you that it is "invalidly defined" and will offer to repair it.
  16. Hey, with all that experience, perhaps you could contribute to the open source Cura project and fix this. Should be easy for you, right?
  17. Je computer heeft een Intel® Iris® Plus Graphics 640 GPU die zeker OpenGL 2 ondersteunt, maar als Cura aan je Windows 11 vraagt om OpenGL functionaliteit, dan zegt Windows 11 "nee!" tegen Cura. Misschien is er een nieuwere/beter driver voor je GPU. Je zou ook kunnen proberen of Cura 4.13.1 wél werkt: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/releases/tag/4.13.1 Cura 5 en nieuwer maken gebruik van een nieuwer "GUI framework" (Qt 6), en het lijkt er op dat er nog wat incompatibiliteit is tussen de gebruikte versie van Qt 6 en Windows 11 of de Intel drivers.
  18. You may need to check if the connectors for the electronics-cable that goes into the printhead are seated properly. https://fbrc8.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039883811-Print-Head
  19. We need to see your logs to diagnose issues like this. Cura.log can be found via Help -> Show configuration folder. While you are there, please also post your plugins.json file from that folder. Edit: my suspicion is that you have somehow managed to disable the "Camera" plugin. Closing Cura, renaming the "plugins.json" file to "plugins.json.bak" and starting Cura again should fix that.
  20. Intuitively, I would say this should be possible with e Search and Replace postprocessing script, replacing all travel moves with both an X and Y movement with two travel moves, one with just the X component and the other with just the Y component. I have not tested this extensively, but you could try the following in a Search and Replace script: Search: G0 (.*) X([\d.]*) Y([\d.]*)(.*?)$ Replace: G0 \1 X\2\4\nG0 Y\3 Use Regular Expressions: checked Make sure you get the spaces correctly. This replaces eg G0 F6480 X193.043 Y137.069 Z0.27 with G0 F6480 X193.043 Z0.27 G0 Y137.069
  21. The materials in the Marketplace only come with profiles for Ultimaker printers and as a result only show up in Cura for printers that use 2.85mm materials,
  22. Whoops, my bad. It should indeed be a comma, not a pipe. I have edited my comment above to reflect this.
  23. Hard to tell for sure without a project file (File -> Save project...), but chances are you have enabled the "Remove all holes" setting.
  24. With supports. On a general note, it is easier for us to help you if you include a link to a project file.
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