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Everything posted by Nicolinux

  1. There's something wrong with the .zip. On my mac it produces a file with .cpgz.
  2. Temperature will change a lot. It decreases viscosity and makes it easier to extrude.
  3. @mnis: I tried this solution. If I move material and then start a print, the blob won't appear. @illuminarti: Exactly, it tries to overextrude too much at the begining. Don't know why. It is not related to a single model.
  4. Hey Xeno, you should have stated what hardware and reasons you have. I was totally unaware that you use an UM1 without an Ulticontroller.
  5. I am still waiting for Gina to patch it for UltiGcode. I'd love to see the UM2 supported completely.
  6. Yes you need to change the gcode flavor in Cura. Menu -> "Machine Settings" -> GCode Flavor -> RepRap.
  7. As far as I understand it, printing via USB is clearly not supported. If you are so keen on controlling your UM2 via USB why not use Pronterface in the first place? I am using the Ulticontroller for everything - it is far easier and quicker this way. But if you need to use your computer you could create some gcode snippets that will do just what you want. Save those snippets and create a simple script that would start the tool of you choice (or at least one that is scriptable) that connects to the printer and executes your gcode snippet. I'd say it is worth investing a few hours to setup this scenario if you use it regularly.
  8. It is already there. While the printer prepares, select the tune menu. Otherwise, when you are not printing, you have access to those features under the maintenance (advanced) menu.
  9. Ahh, the pibow case. So nice. My Pi has already a case, but this just too cool to not print.
  10. Now this would be a very simple (and hopefully) effective mod. But this would only work for filament on spools. What about faberdashery filament for example?
  11. Hey Markus, as I said. This happens between perfect prints. So other prints are really fine and I don't change anything between them. The 3rd. fan works correctly (well it is broken because it is loud as hell, but at leas I know it is spinning fast). The blob forms right when the first extrusion occurs. After that the skirt is printed but as you can seen in the video, there isn't a continuous filament strand. Eventually (if I let the print continue) the plastic flow stablizes but by then the first layer is half through (and not smooth as it should be).
  12. Hey Markus, thanks for the ideas. I can move material just fine (and when I do that before a print, this problem never occurs). The bowden is clear and well seated. This problem appears sometimes between perfect prints.
  13. Hey guys, I have found/documented something else that hast to do with pressure. Sometimes when I start a new print, pressure seems to build up and a big blob of plastic is extruded. After that, the print pretty much fails because there isn't enough filament comming out (even with two or three outer loops of skirt). This usually happens when tha printer is "cold". So my assumption is that the deformation inside the teflon coupler is very much a concern when it comes to underextrusion because it can manifest in such a extreme way at the begining of a print. Check out this video (sorry for the focus fail at the begining):
  14. Happens here too (not the manly part though... already cut my finger because the filament broke and it smashed my finger into the frame). You can cancel the material change procedure and start a new one right away. The hot end will be... well still hot, and will reverse filament instantly.
  15. Hey Ian, good to have you back. The forums were down by at least 89.5% crazyness in the last few days...
  16. Hi, there is a bug with the layer preview when "spiralize" is selected. The topmost layers look weird when scrolling through layers up and down.
  17. Interesting discussion. I am changing filament daily (now that I ordered 5m of the entire Faberdashery filament assortment) With the default material change procedure, strands of filament tend to end in a big blob that won't pass the extruder on the way out. That's very annoying.
  18. Daid, this is not a bug, but potentially annyoing for everyone so it might be a worthwhile UM2 firmware improvement. I am posting it here because it is related to Cura and because I hope it will make it into the very next release. Filament temperature is too high while changing material. This leads to strands of filament stuck inside the bowden tube or strands that end with a big blob that won't pass the knurled bolt inside the extruder. Every second filament change I have to fish it out with a toothpick. Not sure which temperature would be best for PLA, but lower than 220° in any case. Maybe 190°?
  19. Hey Aaron, a lil' correction. My packaged did include the bottm cardboard piece and the electronics cover was still bent out of shape. I don't even want to know what hit that thing... Oh and btw. Where's the traditional hello world print?
  20. Where did you put your filament spool? Floor, lazy susan, stock spool holder?
  21. @Daid: Thanks for the tip. Will use fix horribly type-a. Ok, tried it, but this also changes the shape of the eye piece making it smaller. I played a bit with it but couldn't have it keep the overall form. Tried that too. By the way, it would be a nice idea to include some primitive models in the meshmixer menu (sphere, cube, cylinder...). Had to fire up OpenSCAD to create a sphere, export as .stl, and import in Meshmixer. I shrunk the eye sockets and tried to boolean the sphere with the rest, but the eye lids had too few triangles so it would look ugly (the boolean did work though). Yep, tried that too. But I couldn't get it to refine the mesh without changing it. I remember I saw (you?) in this video adding triangles to a mesh without changing it. But maybe that's because the shoe had a smoot surface to begin with.
  22. Oh no, I can't do that. I need to use the fix horribly (type-a) option in order to fix some issues with the eyes that I couldn't handle otherwise. This in turn eats up all internal structures. So the cutout would need to go through the bottom/top. Hm, need to think of an alternative.
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