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Posts posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. You said "yes" to the override message on the display of the printer, right? In case of doubt, it's always a good strategy to first add a new Ultimaker 2+ to Cura and then switch that new one to Marlin. Like this you make sure it starts with default settings that should actually be fine for that printer.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Hatim said:

    visibility of the nozzle temperature setting


    Are you on an Ultimaker 2 or 2+? That one is special because it stores the main print parameters in the printer and you have to override it. If you want to override those settings in Cura, you indeed have to change the gcode flavor to "Marlin" in the machine settings. So that is a special case because of the printer, not because of Cura. Every other printer should have the print temperature in the custom settings in Cura.

  3. Do you refer to tiny holes in the uppermost layer (that is what I might be able to see in that picture)? If yes, that can have many reasons from non-ideal temperature to part-blockades in printcore, Bowden tube or feeder.

    A good first check usually is to increase print temperature by 5-10deg and check if it is still there. If yes, then it's rather something mechanical. Still it could be a cooling effect if something is wrong with the fans. It's a very wide field.

  4. Der Marlin-Teil der Ultimaker 3 Firmware kennt den M303-Befeh nicht. Logik dahinter: Da ohnehin nur die Ultimaker Printcores verwendet werden sollten, welche alle die gleichen Parameter benutzen, braucht es diese Funktion nicht.


    Beantwortet das Dein Anliegen?

  5. It takes indeed pretty long to finish the abort procedure. A 'skip cooldown' procedure (which does not end up in the wrong position of the filament) would be appreciated. When you abort a print you usually don't want to wait for minutes until you can start over again.

    • Like 1
  6. Die Teile sind halt nicht ganz identisch. Das kann ausreichen damit Cura die beiden Teile unterschiedlich sliced. V.a. auf die Verfahrbewegungen wirkt sich das dann aus, was vermutlich für die problematische Stelle entscheidend ist.

    Ein 3mf-File davon könnte ev. noch hilfreich sein; dann sieht man alle Einstellungen. Ausser es steht alles auf Standard-Einstellungen, dann erübrigt sich das.

  7. Bei der Entwicklung der Firmware ist man davon ausgegangen, dass die Temperatur des Heizbettes während des Drucks um eben maximal diese +/-25 Grad verstellt werden muss/will, was ich persönlich keine unvernünftige Annahme finde. Aber:


    33 minutes ago, Digibike said:

    halte nicht

    viel von direkt nach erreichen gleich starten


    Vielleicht magst Du dazu kurz ein paar Angaben machen? Was spricht aus Deiner Sicht gegen den bestehenden Ablauf? Hast Du dabei Nachteile beobachtet?

  8. 3 hours ago, nourelmenyawi said:

    I have managed to find it in the second extruder but not the first extruder. Any idea why this is happening?



    Oh, I missed that one completely. You selected the CC 0.6 core. The material you want to print has no profile for that print core. Therefore it is not in the list. Select an AA 0.4 core in extruder one and you will have the material available.


    6 minutes ago, Alex L said:

    the one about editing the gcode to automate batch printing of simple parts like the bracelet


    Oh - that one (for the Ultimaker Original). This doesn't work on Ultimaker 3, S5 and S3 as you have to confirm removal of the print. I'm actually not sure about the Ultimaker 2+. Clever minds might find / have found a way to tweak the machine and/or gcode. But it was never something official.

  10. Like this:



    Use a helper volume (e.g. a cube you scale to your needs and lift to the correct height (you have to disable the drop-on-buildplate-option in the Cura configuration)), and give it the role of "Modify settings for overlap with other models" from the "per Model settings". Then add the speed you want to change to the per Model settings and voilà: it goes at a different speed (the image above shows going faster aka higher flow but of course it also works the other way round).

    • Like 1
  11. 11 hours ago, Carla_Birch said:

    my worry is how well can it unload and load the filament when it looks like the station as no way to lift the bar to take the testion off the filament feeder wheel.


    No need for worries. The unloading of the filament with the Material Station installed is a bit different to the unloading you might be used to. It cools down the filament until it can rip it apart in the print head in such a way that only a peaked tip comes out which goes easily through the main feeder.

    Afaik there should also be a special tool included in the package with which you can prepare the filament end for an ideal shape of the tip at loading.

  12. 3 hours ago, gemini99 said:



    I’m a Lab Analyst at ACC and we purchase one of your 3D printers and the person in charge of the project  no longer works here. And I was wondering if you have any training classes or courses I can attend to have more knowledge and use of your  product.


    Check the list of resellers in your country (top right on the main Ultimaker website). A preferred reseller might offer trainings for your needs.

  13. 5 minutes ago, UbuntuBirdy said:

    seems UM turns more and more to the business clients and away from the people that made UM the brand it is today


    Let's not underestimate the number of businesses which bought an Ultimaker printer at an early stage (Ultimaker 2) and used (and still use) it for professional purposes.

    I guess you refer mainly to makers. Yes, it's pretty obvious that Ultimaker does not primarily target makers with the S5 Pro Bundle. But a maker still can buy an Ultimaker 2+ which is a great machine and strong workhorse and can also be "upgraded" with e.g. Octoprint to a network printer (including a camera).

  14. 1 hour ago, JohnInOttawa said:

    1) I can see that the material handler works with NFC coded spools.  How does it work with generic materials?


    Exactly the same as previously on the spool holder at the back: you manually select the material from the list. Don't forget you control the material station through the S5 - it's not a stand-alone device.

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