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Posts posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. I would highly recommend not to tinker with the S5 firmware as you will certainly void your warranty. However, there is a developer mode which allows you to login to the Olimex board. From there you would have to find your way to the according Python code. Chances that you brick the printer are very high.

    In order to safe time I recommend printing more than one object at a time and update to the latest firmware; from version 5.1.7 on active leveling is significantly faster.

  2. 16 minutes ago, nallath said:

    The firmware version. Cura is currently at 4.0.0-beta, so you would have had to wait a long time if it was for Cura 😉


    Uhm, well, at some point last year it seemed as such steps would not require more than a few months for Cura to reach that number... 😜

  3. Es gibt in Cura 3.6 zwei Optimisierungseinstellungen dafür. Die eine ist für das Gehäuse und sollte eigentlich standardmässig aktiviert sein. Die andere ist für die Füllung und ist unter Experimentell zu finden.

  4. It's most likely not going to happen. The reason is the fact that the Ultimaker 3 actually has two boards, one being the Olimex board with all the connectivity stuff like WiFi etc. on it and the other one called motion controller being an upgraded version of the UM2+ mainboard. While the Olimex board is run by a Linux image the motion controller board is driven by an older Marlin version.

    But you might want to check Octoprint for your UM2+.

  5. Bei der Ultimaker 2 Familie werden die Daten zeilenweise über USB geschickt was zur von @Smithy angesprochenen Anfälligkeit führt. Beim Ultimaker 3 und S5 wird der ganze Druckjob zu Beginn in den internen Speicher des Druckers verschoben.

    Ist also eine Frage des Modells.

    • Thanks 1
  6. Flexible materials seem to trigger more often wrong flow-events than other materials. I would expect that Ultimaker is currently working on improving that situation and providing a fix in a future firmware version. Something you can do for the time being is to disable the flow sensors in the settings menu of the S5. This will prevent the printer from a wrong interuption but of course might lead to a lost print if a real flow issue occurs.

  7. On 12/19/2018 at 12:06 PM, SandervG said:

    Up until this point you’ve been able to register yourself to receive the aluminum build plate once it would be released. Everyone who did, will automatically receive a glass plate. You don’t need to do anything. If you already have an Ultimaker S5 but haven’t registered yourself yet, you can still do so via this link. New Ultimaker S5’s will come with two glass build plates. 


    Filling out that new form does not result in any kind of confirmation e-mail either (as didn't the aluminium plate form); at least it did not for me. Maybe some kind of short receipt would be a good idea? It would not create that slightly uneasy feeling that the submission might not be considered due to a technical problem.

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  8. On 10/7/2018 at 11:13 PM, CarloK said:

    Most likely it is because there is some special feature in your design that you want to verify for being printed correctly? But, are you then going to sit in front of the printer to watch it happening? I know many people do sit in front of  their printer, it is nice to watch the movements, but it is not an efficient thing to do.


    That might indeed be a good reason. Using some postprocessing scripts or plugins which alter some parameters at a certain height might be another or an extension of the first one.

    The more efficient user would of course not sit in front of the printer all the time but check from time to time. Therefore a layer number would give him/her an idea when might be a good time to have a peak again.


    On 10/7/2018 at 11:13 PM, CarloK said:

    Why do you want to see the layer number?


    You could ask the same question for Cura. It's in there. Why not giving the user a simple tool to compare the physical outcome with the layer view in Cura?


    On 10/7/2018 at 11:13 PM, CarloK said:

    With all new available technologies we think we can come up with something smarter.


    Personally I would prefer simple solutions which have a chance to be implemented in reasonable time rather than fancy stuff that is blocking development ressources for months or years while people out there use the printer with no improvement at all (aka KISS=keep it short and simple).


    On 10/7/2018 at 11:13 PM, CarloK said:

    Our User eXperience designers are against it because we don't fully understand why a user would be interested in this value.


    I assume the meaning of the UX designer is not the only criterium for such changes but feedback is also included in such decisions?


    Anyway, I have to admit that this might not be the most pressing issue in the S5 firmware. And sorry for the late reply.

  9. Grundsätzlich kann das GST Netzteil mit einem UM2 eingesetzt werden; neue UM2+ werden auch mit einem solchen ausgeliefert.

    Die Erfahrung zeigt, dass UM2 mit älterer Firmware Probleme mit den zusätzlichen Sicherheiten im GST Netzteil erzeugen.

    Meine Empfehlung wäre, den UM2 auf einen UM2+ aufzurüsten und mit der neusten Firmware zu versehen, dann sollte der Betrieb mit dem GST-Netzteil kein Problem sein und der aufgerüstete Drucker macht dann erst noch mehr Freude (Olsson Block, Feeder mit Getriebe, genauerer Temperatursensor etc.).

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