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Posts posted by Titus

  1. Like the midi2cnc thing?

    The pen plotter is also a cool source of inspiration for a contest.

    Two folds; come up with an alternative usage for the printhead, and make an amazing (dual color?:O) drawing on the Ultimaker.


    I like the idea, but (read my long post first) I fear the amount of entries would be low, as many users won't learn anything they can use when actually printing.

  2. My 2+ cents:

    In a contest I simply can not win when certain people from this community are participating. Both times I (almost) won were due lack of participants. At the same time it made me happy (I won stuff!) but mostly sad as I couldn't watch the amazing entries and learn from them.

    I don't care about the fact that I can't win in a straight up printing contest with most people here. I'm in it to keep printing, keep challenging myself, keep learning and the hope to win when I actually am proud of my entry.

    That being said I believe there are multiple ways this can go @SandervG:

    Those creative contests are fun. Lots of fun. But they mostly require time and inspiration into the design of the story and the props etc. At the end (if you didn't win) you had some fun, and some extra experience. Therefore I believe the prize has to be stimulating enough for some of the real talented printers we have here, to participate. And I'm sure we all want to see them compete for the love of seeing amazing prints. A few reels of filament? An interview for a feature on the site? An invitation to Ultimaker HQ if they are ever in the vicinity. Offering them stuff like upgrades probably wont work, as they either already have it, or don't need/want it.

    However the other path I see is the following, briefly mentioned earlier in this topic.

    I'm in it for learning stuff. I learned from @tinkergnome that I could pause the printer and park it, switch filament and have my multi color print just the way I want. Perhaps most of you knew, I didn't. The fact that I didn't means others didn't. Cue enter Ultimaker to do a write up on this functionality, get your fancy time lapse studio out and show this to everyone so not only the forum people learn about it, also the other UM users and even others that use cura.

    I have yet to try it, but I believe I learned some tricks to print smaller with a .4mm nozzle. More stuff I learned. What is stuff I want to become better at?

    -Print smaller

    -Print with more detail when printing smaller

    -Printing multiple objects at once without worrying

    -Printing stuff with overhangs, with or without support

    -Printing stuff that actually fits: Where dimensions match the model, i.e. holes etc.

    -Stuff with much retraction without stringing and ugliness

    What have I learned by myself that could still be useful:

    -Auto prints! (including writing Gcode yourself)

    -Make music with your UM

    These technical things are interesting for most users on the forums, either to learn, to improve, or to teach/show off. Go crazy with technical stuff, people here love it! We are tinkers, hackers, but also the artist love it, as they see something they can use to make their next piece even better!

    Worst example that still makes a point: Who can print the shiniest mirror, as in most flat and homogeneous surface? You can't measure it, it would be silly to award prizes, but people could see it as a challenge and a way to learn.

    Take challenging prints, that are not always about how small can you scale it. Take a mail armor part, or dress part. Take a voronoi thing, take crazy bridging, take something that needs supports.

    Take stuff like this, shamelessly saying I'm proud of this print, but I know people here can do so much better:


    Trying to wrap up I would like to express 1 fear: From experience I don't always print larger things as I don't have that much filament. The prospect of being able to win something/filament helps but it can still be an issue. There are multiple ways around this, i.e. not selecting the largest objects all the time. It doesn't have to be about small, but 20 cm high skulls are quite expensive, even in voronoi ;)Last thoughts on this: Ultimaker sponsored/discounted filament when entering multiple contests could help with this problem, but also make sure most entries use the same material for maximum comparison/learning potential. Probably not feasible with budget and logistics, but just putting it out there.

    For these technical contest you could award smaller prices, such as spare parts(that new coupler), bowden tubes, fans stuff like that. The incentive here is to learn, not to earn big prizes.  That being said, you can award points into a competition ranking, and give out some bigger prizes after a more contests. Roll(s) of filament for the top 3 after 6 months, a (refurbished) printer for the most points after a year. Free stuff is nice, but I don't really need a second printer :PPerhaps the coffee mugs/HQ tour is appealing to more people. I don't know, poll us ;)

    Note that I think these type of contest are not contests where random non community members would participate in. The prizes simply isn't appealing enough for people to become part of the community. Is that a bad thing? Not in my opinion.

    2+cents turned into 2+ extended cents


    • Like 3
  3. @Titus you missed the PTFE changes.

    Different material and spring set up. Might not have an impact for you but hopefully it's a big step forward in reliability for UM2 owners. Well ones that haven't hacked their printers with spring replacements and PTFE upgrades from 3d solex.


    Blaming my UMO(+), I thought that was part of the Olsson block etc ;)

  4. Summarizing:

    Olsson block

    25W went to 35W heater?

    New fan shroud with new fans

    New feeder

    Those are the differences right? Not being negative, just summing up everything I could find. I assume the shroud and feeder are a huge step in the right direction for consumers that are not tinkering with their machine. Also the preinstalled Olsson block should be quite nice. I think the UM2+ is pushing towards common homes, rather than to power users. For them there is almost nothing new right? Many of the members here were running custom feeders and shrouds and Olsson blocks. Only the 35W heater and the fans (shroud). I was hoping for something really cool and unexpected ;) Something I could spend money on and mod to UMO(+). That being said I'm curious how good the fans are, both silent and powerful and if the shroud can be adapted to work on UMO(+).

    And I read something about those finger saving clips, got any of those to give away at an ulti-evening :p?

    • Like 3
  5. Meh, again I believe it is a "one time visitor" vs "community contributer" question. Or atleast, it is something that some new users might find useful. For me it would clutter my screen with information I already know about/where to find/irrelevant.

    Also, I bounce a lot too. Check if there is something new, no? bye bye! Every hour or so.

  6. On my Original (not a +) I found the dual fans a great mod and there are a lot of clips available on YouMagine that can assist in closing the chamber.

    Can't find the second fan I downloaded back then. Does anyone have any recommended (dual) fanshrouds?


    I have a pair of foehnsturm's dual fan shrouds that are really concentrated, up to the point the normal UM fan can't push air through it at all. He probably had better fans. I can't find the topic on the forum. The search still gives me results with only 1 of the words I'm looking for first.

    What I am wondering about is what a good fan is, as the UM standard fan seems to be insufficient, although I don't have a second one, that might improve things a lot as you mention. I was running this shroud in single setup: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:77107 Now I'm running a folded version of the UMO+ shroud, for safety with kids around ;)

    As for UMO upgrades:

    -Pick your UMO up with a handle: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/ultimaker-handle

    -SHINY LIGHTS: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/ikea-dioder-clamps-for-ultimaker-original

    -Feet, noise reduction and traction: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:25950

    -Spool holder with bearings: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:262924

    -Extruder help: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:38311

    -various tool/card holders, bowden clips:





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    UM2: "Connectivity: SD Card, WiFi printing ready (future upgradeable)"

    Wifi? :OWait whut?


    This was advertised by UM back when I got my UM2. I'm Still waiting for the upgrade. :p


    I'm aware of that, just like the dual extrusion ;)The question is, why is it still being advertised?

    I have a doodle3D :) Still have to get my octoprint rasp pi to work though :(

  8. I want to upgrade to dual head. I'm using Ultimaker Original+ (1 year old). Do I need something special for Dual Head Upgrade Kit (I know it is for Original only). I saw somewhere a special PT100 not included in this kit, is the heater compatible with Original+. I want use original power supply because when I print something with two colors I do not need heated bed running. Bluetape worked with my Vertex 3d printer always (Okay for the PLA prints)


    Uhm, UMO+ has UM2 electronics. I'm not sure if that board/power supply allows for 2 UMO heaters. Do some research on the forum/ask staff on the forum/support.

  9. Hm, wow. @Korneel, shit always happens to you first man.

    @SandervG, really? Again no communication before stuff happened? Accompanied by the fact that stuff wasn't really ready when launched?

    Sadly it's always this way arround and not like there will be an Ultimaker 3 in my room printing, a few days before the announcement comes.

    May I add to the discussion:

    -The up- and downsides of the printer @coolblue note: " Printen met 2 printkoppen is op dit moment nog niet mogelijk. ". Is this saying it is coming, but was the announcement delayed? ;)

    Same goes for UMO: " De printer is uit te breiden met onderdelen zoals een wifi-module of extra een printkop. "

    - Makerpoint says for UM2: "Connectivity: SD Card, WiFi printing ready (future upgradeable)"

    Wifi? :O Wait whut?

    -What's up with coolblue also selling leapfrog and other printers. Is that a good or a bad thing?

  10. Indeed... 0.1mm layer height, the basic speed was 35mm/s but reduced to 85% for the outlines, 20% infill (*), PLA 198°C.


    Ah! That could be something, reduce speed for outlines to create a smoother outer layer! Must experiment with that one day.


    Another important detail for small stuff is probably: minimal layer time 12 seconds, this reduced the speed for the top layers down to 8mm/s (approx.),


    Hm, minimal layer time makes the speed go slower, but doesn't that kill the quality as the nozzle "stays in the same spot so long" due to the slow speed?


    Regarding the letters:

    I didn't scaled the provided STL files, but changed the parameters in the scad file and generated new ones.

    The "hydrogenDiameter" was set to 11 for my example. And i changed the size of the text to 4 (take a look at line 97 of the scad file - if you're interested)

    I don't know if this would break the rules of the contest - but it's a construction set, isn't it?

    (and it doesn't matter in my case)


    Damn, that's cool! And might have been breaking the rules, but then again, it shows you that if you do want to print something, you can do so many things to make it work!


    @tinkergnome: I agree with your theory about why there were not more participants. Personally, I think people are a bit tired of printing small. But next contest will be about creativity again; I'm sure we will see many more contributions.

    If UM is going to continue these contests (who said coffee mug?), then maybe it could be an idea to start with a story (as the UM website is very strongly about stories) and to develop that story by 3D prints. And every week or so, UM decides which way the story should take, from the contributions...


    Yeah, I tend to agree there. Although I'm learning to print smaller, it is still damned hard!

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