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Posts posted by Titus

  1. Awww really? I thought it ended up there automatically :(

    Anyway, sharing:

    I put the lion in Meshmixer to cut it in 3 parts, measured out into how many red I had left in 1 piece(yeah, this Dutchy didn't want to buy a new spool of red just yet ;)

    At first I used the separate shells to remove the ball, as I wanted to replace it with a Bitterbal. But that meant the lion would have to be scaled up, and I didn't have enough red for that :(

    Hence the normal print in 3 parts, settings:


    Also was thinking about "No EK 2016":


    But meh, bitterballen>soccer



    • Like 1
  2. Yesh yesh, going through the selection procedure now! Only 4 pictures left :p



    How else can the Dutch Lion be represented than in Clogs, on a cheese, next to some lovely 'bitterballen' and cheese with mustard, served on 'Delfts Blauw'.

    And of course, going Dutch, you can split not only the bill of this great snack, you can also split the lion himself :)


    • Like 4
  3. Get the confetti canon ready, because.. the buy now button is moved a little to the left!

    Hopefully that will stop any accidental clicks to our shop.


    @SandervG, I just don't understand how you guys are doing some things. Can you explain why that button is there at all? How many users that are here on the forum do you expect to buy something because of THAT placement? Is that worth the irritation and bad rep with your content creators on the forum? Because it really feels like a marketing ploy, a clickbait. And if there is one thing the active forum users hate it is 'techniques' like this. I can't see another reason why it should be there, or anywhere visible at all.

    If someone needs spare parts or filament which they normaly buy at Ultimaker, they will do so without the button. The people that you are hoping for wont, because it doesnt actually go to the shop, no it gives a popup screen -_-.

    Other note: The white bar underneath the category you are in(products, support, community, etc) is hardly visible since the area underneath is also white....

    • Like 1
  4. Googling because I couldnt get it right. Gr5, your topic helped me a lot, I didn't figure out it would stick better at 45 than at 20 degrees. I thought it had to reach glass state for it to work.

    Mixture of glue, water and a heated bed of 45C, and I can Auto print from glass, giving me that smooth surface :D Thanks!

  5. Well it's a "smart" marketing move, the only thing they didn't think through was that you get a popup rather than go into the store where you are tempted to buy that new *insert component*.

    No it's most definitely not a good placement.

  6. I can't seem to find which glue stick you were using on the forum(search function is bugging me again...), nor is it on the 'summary' on the Maintenance page Sander linked.

    I'm experimenting with different (amounts of) glues etc now

  7. Ok, an update: I'm closer to finishing the model, but I still can't get cura to make 1 pass. I've been experimenting with basic shapes, a square and a circle with walls exactly 0.8mm thick as can be seen here:


    However, in layer view, the square disappears and the circle is shredded.







  8. Ok, so new question:

    I made a model which has 1 closed path of .8mm. Naturally I'm using a 0.8mm nozzle and 0.8 shell thickness and would like to make just one pass, for speed. However upon loading my model in Cura, I only see a few parts from my model in the layer view. Turning down the nozzle causes multiple passes. Turning down the shell causes multiple passes and even creates some infill.

    I assume my software(Solidworks) didn't make everything .8 exactly, but is there a way to trick cura into doing just one pass of the thing? A spiralize(a Joris) is not working here, given the relative complex shapes.

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