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Posts posted by Titus

  1. Is it possible to change the orientation of the support? I have an object I want to print in a certain orientation due to cooling of details/tiny overhangs. However when I print it in that orientation the support is build as 1 straight line up, which at some point trips over the print :(

    Let me link the file: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:962337

    I was trying to test if it would print nicely without overhang first by just lowering the object into the build plate, only printing the top part of the cirkel, but it was quite ugly without support.

  2. you cannot fix the backside of the wooden part to the metal plate.


    Actually you can, step 58.


    they removed the "hook" for the lower z-endstop


    That is because UMO's home upwards


    the metal plate is a bit unstable, you can bend it easily if you push the frontside down :/


    Yeah, same here, but during printing it seems ok actually!


    ah yes the glue stick... what is it good for? :D


    It helps the print stick, although I've heard people swear all kinds of different things work.


  3. Als je met 123 print 123inkt bedoelt, NIET DOEN. Ze verkopen volgens mij goedkoop chinese troep waar de diameter significant van schommelt.

    En die mensen daar snappen niet dat het zoveel uit maakt. Ik had nog gevraagd wat de toleranties waren, krijg je het standaard antwoord waar ze niet aan voldoen...

  4. I've been reading this for a while now, and in my head it summarizes to this

    Argument: We want a disable autoslice, since it is slowing down everything.

    @Nallath 's reply :I've tried it, it's not the slicing that slows everything down, looking into what is(or just to much polygons)

    Reply: But we want disabled autoslicing anyway, since it is slowing down everything.

    Can you link me to one of the models you experience problems with? I want to play around to experience it myself.

  5. win 10, firefox 40.0.3

    Now confirmed on another computer: Upon loading a ultimaker.com webpage other than the homepage the sound of my currently playing music dips in to 0 volume and comes back up. Without music there is a static tic

  6. Some colleagues might go, and some travel by car.

    Is it an option if I see if you can be picked up in Utrecht? (it would save you the travel with your Ultimaker). If Utrecht is not an option, I don't think we can pick you up.


    A tempting offer. Probably I'll be able to arrive at Utrecht Zuilen by public transport without to many problems. Would that be a possibility?

    Or @Blizz, from where are you driving?

  7. I can haz be confused :Oinsert Philosoraptor meme here:

    Announces open beta 15.10, file says 15.09.80, readme says [15.10.0]

    Will give it a try after my UMO is in working condition again.

    edit: I was so happy the screen was back and was hoping for the option to select UMO with HBK, but something is not completely right here I guess:


  8. Another issue I have with the new cura is multi screen setups.

    Selecting another machine gives a popup that is half in 1 screen, half in the second, which is not really close to it, making it impossible to read.

    Also, it doesnt start full screen(as it was when shut down), but slightly off to right bottom, flowing over in my second screen.

    I talked to Arjan(Arjan? ahiemstra on irc) about it and he mentioned how it was not a cura bug but a python bug, can't remember, but quite irritating to be honest :p

  9. @Marrit Nu ik aan repareren denk, ik wil eigenlijk weer een keer af van de noodoplossing van toen ik mijn UMO kocht: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:11864

    Het zwarte onderdeel waar hij normaal ingaat zat er niet meer bij. Ik heb wel met dank aan @daid al een keer een bowden wit klemmetje met blauwe horseshoe gehad, maar die niet direct in het hout durven stoppen. Ik zal die even opzoeken en een foto van maken. Heb jij dat zwarte onderdeel misschien ook? Of kunnen we als ik mijn UMO weet mee te nemen het in het hout proberen te stoppen?

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