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Posts posted by Titus

  1. With the search, I'm not sure how, but the search bar in the top right actually works pretty damned well, in comparison to the old one that is. HOWEVER, the one sitting in the middle of your screen screaming USE ME doesn't work. Ultimaker is aware of it and on it to fix it. I just can't understand how it cannot be a 10 minute fix. But yeah.

  2. @gr5 I can imagine what you mean, although I still don't have the idea the forum is active, simply because I cannot SEE that there are new post, without actively comparing it to the list in my memory.

    Also, the new posts seem to be mostly from new people with sub 50 posts or in the multi-extrusion approach topic. Having said that, it kinda is what Ultimaker wanted, a forum more open for new users(except the prominant search bar doesn't work as the top right one, leading to very little good results). The sleep state is, I hope, for the previous power users like Korneel, Blitz and so many others who's profile picture I recognize but can't name right now.

    Like @macua85 said, that posted in the show my print and coffee topics etc.

  3. The forum is just in a sleep state right now. I believe once functionality has been restored and layout improved many people, like myself will return and participate more active again.

    I check the forum about every hour, but only follow a few topics, new posts and old followed topics don't really pop up so don't catch my eye.


    Is there a developement / feature request list where Cura users can vote. Could be a great way to determine the development agenda based on user's demand in order to fix/make the most relevant things first.


    I've mentioned this to management yesterday already. They are looking into something like this.


    For direct bug reports and small feature requests I believe you can use the Github.


    Just another thing that keeps getting me FRUSTRATED :angry::D

    When I want to download Cura, I always have a hard time finding it, under products.

    I tend to click on applications instead. It used to say software :(


    How often do you download Cura that it keeps getting you frustrated? ;)

    It has a better place under product, it belongs there. Hopefully you get used to it soon :)


    I hop PC's from time to time, use older versions sometimes when on the job since I need to replicate certain behavior and can't allow for something to be different as I will only have one shot.

    I agree with Nallath, perhaps it is in the right place, but applications sounds so uhm confusing.

    I must say that in general I dislike the products page. There's not enough compact information about the products imo, and also you need to go to a different "site" to order.

    I want to see specs on a product page, or a button that says specs, within 2 window heights, otherwise I'll just exit the page.

    • Like 1
  6. Download Cura 12.11

    For Windows

    What is this version, and notification. Did you take down the 12.06.01 that hotfixed the issue.

    WHAT is going on? What is it with all these versions, and the facebook post about the new Cura, and now giving the users some crazy new old one?

  7. Just another thing that keeps getting me FRUSTRATED :angry: :D

    When I want to download Cura, I always have a hard time finding it, under products.

    I tend to click on applications instead. It used to say software :(

  8. Or how would you implement such a feature otherwise?


    Exactly like it says, get an update when a selected user posts something. I'd advise to stack notifications per user, redirect the page to the profile page with (full) post history, and perhaps some kind of read/unread indicator, or a bar above which was after the last time you visited his profile page.

    I like the idea, not sure how many people would use it though.

    • Like 1
  9. The README from the installation says:


    Cura 15.06 Beta


    This is the *Beta* version of Cura 15.06.

    Cura 15.06 is a new release built from the ground up on a completely new

    framework called Uranium. This framework has been designed to make it easier to

    extend Cura with additional functionality as well as provide a cleaner UI.

  10. Error here on Win8 too.

    It says see log file, which wasn't created

    Edit: Run as Admin created a log

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "cura_app.py", line 8, in

    File "c:\dev\uranium\UM\Application.py", line 326, in getInstance

    File "c:\dev\cura\cura\CuraApplication.py", line 64, in __init__

    File "c:\dev\python34\lib\configparser.py", line 937, in __getitem__

    KeyError: 'general'

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