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Everything posted by Blizz

  1. pm_dude: Yes indeed, my text has a link to the model if you want to check it out. I used the previous one even with the bad fit and I had the impression it helped. Now my printer is pretty again, no more crooked parts
  2. Awesome! If you need me to print more, I don't mind. I can bring them in 5 weeks (something like that right?) to the next Ulti-Evening
  3. Okay thanks Nico, now I feel brave enough to raise the level a bit again (no offense ). My latest print was https://www.youmagine.com/designs/ultimaker-2-fan-mount-dual--2: Venkel was so awesome to post a revised version that actually has a hole for the long head screws. I printed it and am really happy about it.
  4. Blizz


    blob? Mijn grote probleem was dat ik na veel retractions een lege nozzle had en dat lag aan die "Extra Restart Distance", die moet op 0 staan ipv -0.17 of zo. Heb je een foto? Side note: Ik heb veel rommel gehad met S3D initieel en het een tijd opzij gelegd omdat ik niet genoeg kende. Ben nu sinds een week af en toe terug bezig met S3D, paar prints so far en die zijn allemaal heel goed gelukt. Ik heb eindelijk het gevoel dat ik een beetje vat op het progsel begin te krijgen.
  5. Even ter illustratie: Ik ben er wel niet 100% zeker van, maar mij lijkt het alsof ik zowel per model als per hoogte andere processing settings kan definiëren.
  6. Niet helemaal on topic, maar in Simplify3D kan ik gewoon meerdere profielen aanmaken die activeren vanaf een bepaalde hoogte (in mm). Dus daarin kan het wel blijkbaar.
  7. Sander well except for the big brand name there was little difference between your stand and the others. They basically all had UM2s and printed stuff. My wife and I said to each other that you have to look at the posters because the material is alike almost everywhere As I said: I don't have a clue how you would distinguish yourself being a printer fabricator instead of for example a "shapeways clone" (if i can be so disrespectful), but it didn't really stand out to me. Perhaps it's just me having unrealistic expectations, dunno. I guess I came there expecting to be bedazzled by my favorite brand
  8. I experienced the same issues and talked to the colorfabb guys in London. Turns out that the idea I had (printing slower) is actually what made it clog. The best way is to make sure that the material spends as little time in the nozzle as possible, as it burns really quickly. They advised 50mm/s and a higher flowrate (110 - 120%). Also they pointed at their http://learn.colorfabb.com/category/tutorials/3d-printing/, where you can find an article http://learn.colorfabb.com/how-to-print-with-woodfill/. Very eager to try again
  9. I loved seeing that new 3d printer with paper as a source material. It's obviously way too expensive to buy (£34.000 iirc) but after seeing their promo video online I really wanted to see it in action and handle one of their prints. Which I did, and it was deemed awesome
  10. *droops away* See you all again in a couple years, when I'm done practicing.
  11. Unfortunately have to agree with the opinions about the stand. Also, for some reason I didn't really get the "we are a printer fabricator vibe" from it either, it just looked like the others. A bunch of UM2s and a lot of plastic. I personally don't have any suggestions on how to improve it, just wanted to share my thoughts. What was/is really cool is that your printers were used literally everywhere I also took a whole bunch of pictures and will post them at some point. Except from the makerbot stand. For some reason my camera refused to work around there
  12. Ligt bij mij gewoon in de kast met de zakjes silica die erbij zaten er gewoon naast. Is niet zo gek vochtig bij ons dus meer ga ik er persoonlijk niet voor doen. Denk dat het wat afhangt van de relatieve vochtigheid in je huis of zoiets nut heeft of niet.
  13. So we're there, anyone else already arrived?
  14. You guys can say what you want, currently I'm looking forward to the 9th. Not a real fanboi but I do like looking at the Apple press events
  15. je hebt nu wel een andere kleur gebruikt. Ben je zeker dat je wit filament niet gewoon wat te breed is en slecht door die bowden gaat? Is het een goedkopere variant mss? Best even nameten
  16. Mine's here: http://www.3dhubs.com/antwerp/hubs/blizz Might not be a bad idea to add somewhat more pictures but at this point I'm not really interested in orders from there to be honest. I'm still printing so much stuff for myself...
  17. @pm_dude the ones where I worked weren't either, but usually you work in that sector because you are really driven and love it. The overtime is not considered as that, just as long days. It was for me in any case. It wase never enforced
  18. Ik heb daar zo'n crème brûlée brander voor. Heb al gezocht naar zo'n heatgun met een kleine nozzle maar alles wat ik hier in de buurt kan vinden zijn die voor verf af te branden. Zou nochtans een stuk beter zijn want daarmee heb je veel meer controle over de temperatuur. Zoals Xeno net zei ben je snel schade aan het veroorzaken, vandaar ook mijn tip om zeker eerst op wat anders te oefenen.
  19. pm_dude: I have worked in "the sector" for over 6 years myself and I think the camaraderie there is completely different because you tend to spend a lot more time together. Plus most of the times the entire company is working on the same big project with the same goal, in most companies there are a lot of different departments/projects and whatnot. It all depends ons what the company does I think. In any case, I've had my belly full of the long hours and low pay and migrated to things more profitable and wife-friendly
  20. Oh, and the STLs are available on YM.... pom pom pom. Think I found my new project (after I get that baby mobile finished for my godchild)
  21. Ik heb in een post-processing guide gelezen dat opwarmen met een heatgun tot het lichtjes smelt de kleur zou terugbrengen. Zie hier, onder "Sanding". Misschien best eerst wat oefenen op iets minder belangrijk
  22. No unfortunately not, I'm also wrong at first every time I was toying with the idea of printing the directions on a paper (i know, the audacity!) and sticking it to the bottom of the case. The bed is up when leveling anyway.
  23. Wanted to print this for a while... It came out pretty nice. But then again, Roberts' models are always awesome
  24. Glad the 3dhubs thing is so popular there... Been signed up for 3 months by now, haven't had a single order
  25. That question was asked on the ulti-evening and the colorfabb dude confirmed that it won't conduct because the ratio of bronze is much lower than the "pla glue"keeping it together.
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