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Everything posted by fergazz

  1. Ferrule, Bezant on the base of spring: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_hrta6v-EB8dmFGanVVbUNBZGM/view?usp=sharing There is a reliable way to put the table on right height? Maybe it`s affecting the bed vibration? I thinked to print an ajustable stuff to fit there but it`s close to heated bed, don`t know if it will melt. ABS support higher temperatures, maybe is a good option? Nylon support higher temperature? I have boths and PLA High Temp by photopasta.
  2. I`m actually have some troubles with bed levelling since the start up wizard. The nozzle distance when the front screws are max up stayed with 0.3 gap... I put and Ferrule, Bezant, to the bed get the right height... don`t know if it is affecting. Because of that I need to re-level the biuld plate before each print. photo 0.3 gap: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_hrta6v-EB8YU1NTkljc0FkcjQ/view?usp=sharing
  3. infill demage photo: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_hrta6v-EB8NUpSUnNHbHJFSTQ/view?usp=sharing settings: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_hrta6v-EB8cWU3cmVYY1RqTGc/view?usp=sharing
  4. Hi guys, I`m getting some troubles, my bed is vibrating a lot when infill speed is 80mm/s or up. Those issues started in feb/mar of this year and since them I cannot work as fast as that. What is the problem here? I sended and e-mail for Ultimaker support. Sabrina redirect me for the a wrong e-mail to Makershed Store (the online store that I bought it). I resend for the right e-mail copying her, with photos, videos of the issues and she replayed me to don`t copy her on e-mail anymore (????). I am disappointed by the support offered by Ultimaker. I expect the company to improve customer service, while so I have to resort to community. Please take a look on this video (google drive link) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_hrta6v-EB8OHVJa2xDMHZpcG8/view?usp=sharing
  5. That's a wonderful guide Nick S, thanks a lot!!
  6. That`s true, need to take care. I tryed to fix some stuffs using a rough sandpaper that cames with my Dremel kit but its not working well even when I use the lower speed. Actually Dremel is being usefull with color fabb bronze fill, just need to find another aplication to work with it. it would be cool find a smooth sanding acessory or another thing that works well without leave a scar on a PLA model
  7. Hi guys! Would like to know... What Dremel acessories (or other) are usefull for PLA pos production? ABS is much easier to pos production using acetone, but I`m having troubles with PLA, mainly when I use support materials. Thanks by the way!
  8. Hi everybody! I`ve love Cura but sometimes I need to validate some model (e.g missing walls) or change some support settings to get better prints. After some seach I found NetFabb, Slic3r and Kisslicer as options to fix some of those problems. Reading some topics in UM Forum I choose Slic3r to be my plan B, but I`m having some problems to set the Printer Settings. I would like to know, someone have a Config File adapted to UM2 to help me with print parameters and filaments settings? I downloaded a Config File for slic3r but it doesn`t fit in UM2 propose (e.g 0.5 nozzle and printable area with diferent size). I read some old posts about Netfabb, looks like the best slicer but they don`t support UM2 anymore... I wonder if even without this support it runs smoothly and what can be wrong? Extra tips to validation STL models are welcome <--- Cheers!
  9. olá Alescorsato! Espero que dê tudo certo pra vc, estou na torcida. Tô meio tenso pois ví um review que disse que o "fan" veio com defeito e tiveram que reenviar. O meu vai pegar transportadora e depois vem de avião... pedi pra encherem de adesivo de "FLAGILE" heheheee Pois é, o grupo pode ajudar a gente a interagir, mostrar trabalhos e experiências. Abraço
  10. that`s scarry!! I`m from Brazil either and would like a good support too...
  11. Olá pessoal... fiz uma busca no Facebook e notei que não tinha grupo nenhum... então acabei de criá-lo, segue o link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/765796910157495/ Ultimaker Brasil o/
  12. Olá pessoal! Estou pedindo pra um parente trazer uma UM2.. vou pagar os 50% na alfândega (do valor excedende de 500 dolares) e tal... acho que vale a pena, mais barato que importar. Me preocupo muito com o fato de não ter suporte técnico aqui... ao mesmo tempo fico aliviado de ter encontrado vcs no Forum! hehehee Vou realizar o pedido na semana que vem, gostaria de saber se devo comprar alguma peça sobressalente, algo que costume dar problema. Já vou trazer alguns filamentos tb, uns 4 rolos cabem na mesma caixa. Vamos criar um grupo no Face? Já criaram?? Abraço pessoal, Fernando / obs: sou do Rio de Janeiro
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