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Everything posted by DivingDuck

  1. In this print print orientation it isn't possible to fully remove the stair effect as the nozzle tip is not in in the same angel as your model surface. You can minimize the effect by reducing the layer height at the cost of a much longer printing time. An other, maybe better way is to lay down the model to the flat surface if you need a decent flat surface. The third option is to place the model on an angle at the bed at the cost of a needed support structure and higher printing time.
  2. Most of this was done by @ghostkeeper. Luckily you can find the original documentation at his github repository called SettingGuide in a better readable format here: https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/blob/master/resources/articles/machine_settings/machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter.md
  3. -->Marketplace -->Manage Packages -->USB Printing -->Disable
  4. PETG with 225°C is quite low. No wonder that your extruder skips. Is this really the manufacturer recommendation? PETG is usually in a range form 230 to 250 °C. Try the middle of what the manufacturer recommend, this is usually a good starting point.
  5. Cura behaves different with placing a model as a .STL or .3mf file. While a .STL file will be placed in the middle of the print plate, it will place a .3mf file related on the model coordinates and its center of origin in xy. This is what you are recognize when you import your model as 3mf. Here a example how Cura behaves with a simple model exported from Fusion360: Model (out of center of origin at x=-15mm,y=20mm): Imported as STL: 3mf import: The mentioned machine setting for center of origin defines the center of origin how the printer interpret the coordinate system. This is for a rectangular bed usually at the front/left side at xy 0,0 (as you can see in my pictures above). For a round bed it is in the center of the bed at xy 0,0. For my bed center of origin is xy 0,0 while center in the middle looks like below. This do not change the behavior for importing a model and where the model is placed.
  6. This is why I set it the most time to my own preference ("User Specified"). Gives me mostly less hassle between versions and mostly better and repeatable results (at least felt like).
  7. Guess, his main problem is that there is no honeycomb infill in Cura. The model need to to be changed to have this feature itself if he want to slice it with Cura. Or he use a slicer that support honeycomb infill.
  8. @gr5, Ups, you are absolutely right. I can't believe I wrote that, but reading my post again, I have... shame on me. Maybe I need to ask S. Freud what was wrong writing this nonsense. For the bed I wanted to write 80°C. 240°C is my filament temperature.
  9. Seems like you have an old version installed. Remove the old plugin and install the actual one (version 1.2.1) from this repository: https://github.com/smartavionics/RawMouse/releases For Windows it should work fine with Cura 5.3.1 (at least for my installation)
  10. Ich versuch immer noch zu verstehen ob Cura von Fusion beim exportieren geöffnet wird oder nicht.
  11. Hast du Cura gestartet wenn du den Export machst oder wird Cura beim Export aus Fusion gestartet?
  12. Liegt es vielleicht daran, dass das Teil evtl. nicht mehr automatisch in der Mitte platziert ist? Dies hängt mit dem Exportformat zusammen. Bei 3MF wird bei mir ein Teil idR vorn links bei X/Y 0,0 positioniert und bei STL mittig auf der Druckplatte.
  13. Kann ich nicht bestätigen. Funktioniert bei mir sowohl mit Auswahl Benutzerdefiniert als auch mit Auswahl Cura (ich habe 3 Versionen von Cura installiert). Bei de Auswahl Cura nimmt er die erste Installation, die er findet (bei mir 4.13) und bei benutzerdefiniert die, die ich z.Zt. eingestellt habe (5.3.1).
  14. Looking on your last picture, your printer tries to tell you a lot what is going wrong with your printer. Look to the bottom right (1): The lines are squished. Top right (2): the lines are apart from each other that you can see in the corner paths the bed underneath Bottom left (3): only a view distance away from (1) the lines are separated. All this means, that a) your bed is not level correctly and b) the distance of the nozzle is for every point exept (1) fare to much away from the bed. I wonder how you do your bed leveling. Are you leveling the bed unheated? Make a manual bed leveling with a piece of paper w/o mesh bed leveling with a hot bed (as you print with PETG, set the bed temp to 80°C (Edit: 240 was obviously wrong), or what ever your bed temperature have to be for your filament). Then make a test print w/o mesh bed leveling involved with some small squares (e.g. 20x20 mm) part fan of, layer height and initial layer hight: 0.2 mm, speed of 40 mm/s and look how it behaves. Then make the same with mesh bed leveling. Alternatively you can install 5axis' plugin called Calibration Shapes and insert the Bed level calibration shape instead of building and placing your own squares. The instructions can be found here: https://github.com/5axes/Calibration-Shapes/wiki/ParametricBedLevel
  15. Well done. I really like the category Changed settings. 👍
  16. I had the problem as well with the version 3.7.1 installed. This new dev. version solves my start problems I recognized today. Thanks for the quick update (and your post that made me able to find the issue of my problem as well). 👍
  17. It seems sometimes to happen that Cura isn't completely finished when you close Cura. This happen to me today as well. Open the windows taskmanager with [Strg]+[Shift]+[ESC] and look for process called "UltiMaker-Cura" and/or "Slicing engine for Cura". Terminate the process before trying to start Cura again will help in those cases. Edit: It turns out that my start problem was related to an issue with the updated mesh tool plugin v 3.7.1 . Please see Maybe it is worth to check it for your installations as well. Installing the dev-version solve my start problem.
  18. I got errors loading your project file. Cura will only load the model. Looking in your file I recognize that something is wrong with your your setup files. E.g. it seems to miss your quality profiles and your material profile seems to be as well not complete. You should ask your printer manufacturer for working printer definitions. Meanwhile you can try to set the Small layer printing temperature to the normal print temperature from the involved material profile. Check your printer profile in case you want to know how the calculation for this entry is defined. The entry is called "cool_min_temperature". You will find it in the printer definition file.
  19. Works fine for me on Windows10. Maybe your system is blocking you to access.
  20. Ich mache dies mit Pronterface via USB. Eine weitere Alternative wäre eine selbstgeschriebene Gcode Datei.
  21. Extrudiere doch mal 50 mm Material in die Luft und schaue dir an wie das Filament aus der Düse gepresst wird. Wenn alles in Ordnung ist, sollte das Filament mehr oder weniger gerade aus dem Extruder gedrückt werden. Falls es sich kringelt oder ungleichmäßig aus der Düse kommt ist evtl. die Düse verstopft bzw nicht ganz durchgängig. In diesem Fall würde ich einige Cold-Pulls machen und sehen, ob das hilft. Falls du eine Feinwaage besitzt, kannst du dies bei beiden Köpfen machen und sehen, ob das Gewicht unterschiedlich ist (falls beide Köpfe den gleich Düsendurchmesser haben). Eine weitere Möglichkeit wäre mal die Hotends zu vertauschen um festzustellen, ob das Problem dann bei gleichen Einstellungen mit wandert. Damit könntest du zumindest schon mal das Hotend als Fehlerquelle eingrenzen bzw. ausschließen.
  22. Deine Testdrucke sehen aus als würde zu wenig Material extrudiert werden. Vielleicht mal den Fluss etwas erhöhen und schaun, wann die erkennbaren Linien verschwinden. Falls diese dann weniger werden solltest du mal prüfen, ob der Extruder evtl. nicht sauber ist.
  23. Wenn bei deinen Parametern irgend ein Wert rot eingefärbt wird, bedeutet dies, dass er außerhalb der min/max Werte für diese Einstellung liegt. Deine Einstellung für [Drucktemperatur für kleine Schichten], engl. [Small Layer Printing Temperature], ist zu niedrig. Setze diese höher so dass sie mit den Materialeinstellungen harmoniert. Der Wert sollte >= anfängliche Drucktemperatur bei den Materialeinstellungen liegen.
  24. You will find it here: https://support.makerbot.com/s/topic/0TO5b000000Q4utGAC/ultimaker-cura
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