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Posts posted by Enigma_M4

  1. Hi @Dols,

    you got the feeders for the S-line printers and are in the comfortable position, to decide, which far you want to use them, as the UM3 is capable to deal with the flow sensor (which originally was developed for the UM3, but never officially implemented).

    The following thread should provide you with all information needed to unleash the full power of your new feeders (or just reverse the direction, which requires only crossing two wires):



    I've upgraded both of my feeders some time ago and just LOVE them.



  2. Hallo @7up,

    ob die Feeder Version 2 auch nutzbar ist, kann ich Dir leider nicht genau sagen, aber nach der Aussage von @CarloK im anderen Beitrag...

     ...scheint dort eine andere Elektronik Verwendung zu finden, mit der die aktuelle Firmware des UM3 wohl nichts anfangen kann. Aber nix genaues weiß ich leider nicht 😉. Vielleicht funktionierts, vielleicht nicht.

    Ich kann nur sagen: mit den V1-Feedern läuft mein UM3 super. Wenn/falls es ein Firmware-Update geben sollte, müßten halt die Änderungen in der Firmware nochmal gemacht werden (sofern man nicht die Permanent-Variante gewählt hat), dafür hab' ich mir die geänderte Datei auf dem Rechner zwischengespeichert...

    "Schrotten" kann man den UM3 mit dem Umbau nicht. Der einzige permanente Eingriff am Drucker sind die beiden Bohrmulden an der Gehäuserückseite, alles andere (Feeder, "Umbau" der Stecker, Freischaltung der Firmware) ist reversibel.


    • Like 1
  3. Hi,


    for access to the motherboard, this article by @fbrc8-erin may be helpful for you:




    Routing the new cable along the path of the old one should be no problem ;-).




    PS: Sorry, didn't notice You have an S5, as the video-links of @Torgeir misleaded me; maybe the link is helpful anyway.

    • Like 3
  4. Das ist auch meine Vermutung, aber ich kenn' mich mit der MS nicht aus (nur recht gut mit dem UM3).

    Hier sind jedoch die offiziellen Dokumente und Anleitungen zur MS zu finden:


    Von dort kommt man in drei verschiedene Untersektionen, die jeweils hilfreiche PDFs enthalten. Vielleicht ist da was dabei, das für Dich nützlich ist.



    • Thanks 1
  5. Hi Dan,

    that a bit reminds me to myself. I was a strong user of DesignSpark Mechanical 5 as long as it worked, and the learning curve was pretty flat, for designing projects of your own or for modifying existing STLs; a really nice program for free. But the RS-Guys changed their politics and made three subscription lines: one for free, one for little money and one for much money. In the free subscription, importing STLs or STEP-files no longer is possible.

    So, heavy-hearted, I decided to switch over to FreeCad. It's open source and community-developed, compareable to linux.

    No cost, no restrictions, and a very powerful program, parametric like Fusion.

    BUT: the learning curve is as steep as Mt. Everest (at least coming from the non-parametric Designspark), with a wiki-dokumenation and a lot of youtube tutorials.

    I've gone this path anyway; I guess, FreeCad will never charge it's users any money, and if they will some day, old versions never expire. So this change might be worth the effort.


  6. I upgraded my UM3 with S5 feeders (rev1) some time ago, using the documents by @polygonfuture and they work like a charm (I've not used abrasive filaments with the CC-cores so far, so I'm only used to the flow sensors).

    The sensors can be activated and deactivated in the printer menu and instantly detect any flow rate lower than 80%, like clogged nozzles or filament run-out.

    The little tinkering that's needed to fit the feeders (drilling a small pocket and changing two wires in a connector) can be done by everyone, who's able to maintain a printer. The E-steps stay the same, as the sprockets of the feeders of UM3 and S5 are the same size. The only thing that's a bit tricky is adapting the firmware via SSH, but the description is step-by-step, so I (a windows 7 user with no experience in linux and SSH) was able to do it.

    Afaik, the new S5 feeders just changed the knurling of the feeder-wheel, so they might work.

    • Like 2
  7. Bonjour Victor,
    Je ne peux malheureusement pas non plus te dire quelle est la référence de la pièce que tu cherches, mais voici un lien sur Youmagine où tu trouveras le fichier STL à imprimer toi-même (en espérant que tu aies actuellement accès à une imprimante qui fonctionne).


    (traduit de l'allemand vers le français avec "DeepL")

  8. Well, a factory reset solves a lot of issues, but also requires total calibration from scratch.


    I think, first thing is consulting the user manual. If you don't have one, it can be found here:


    If the printer was in poor condition (as you mentioned in your other post?), you should do general maintenance first (cleaning the printer, check and tighten the screws of the printer's frame (not part of the maintenance procedure, but definitely worth it), check the axle play and alignment, cleaning the printcores, lubricating the axles and Z-screw etc.) If your problems are hardware-based, this should solve them and you don't need to factory reset (which only resets the software of your printer).


    And one realy good step (that you've already gone) is using the forum. Ask your questions, the more specific and detailled they are, the sooner you'll get response.



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