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Posts posted by Enigma_M4

  1. Hi,

    just one note to the great and detailled instructions by @gr5 two posts above:

    As the UM3 needs a distance between the platform and the print bed of about 14mm for active leveling to work, the first adjustment of the thumb screws (befor the leveling procedure) should be done respective. That's where the leveling tool comes into play.

    If the distance is to far off the 14mm, active leveling won't work.


  2. Hi,

    um ein bisschen mehr Licht in die Angelegenheit zu bringen, hier ein paar Grundlagen des 3D-Drucks (wobei ich auch nur ein Heim-Anwender bin, daher kein Anspruch auf absolute Wahrheit oder Vollständigkeit 😉 )

    1. ein 3D-Objekt wird mit Hilfe einer CAD-Software oder einer 3D-Modellierungssoftware erstellt (z.B. das genannte Fusion 360, DesignsparkMechanical, Freecad etc. "Tinkerkad" scheint sich nicht so gut zu eignen).
    2. das erstellte Objekt wird in ein gängiges Ausgabeformat gespeichert. Veraltet, aber noch immer Standard ist ".STL".
    3. die Objekt (.STL)-Datei (entweder selbst erstellt, oder von den üblichen Quellen wie Youmagine.com, Thingiverse.com, printables.com etc., heruntergeladen) wird in ein Slicer-Programm (z.B. CURA) geladen und von dort in eine G-Code-Datei umgewandelt, die dem Drucker die einzelnen Arbeitsschritte vorgibt.
    4. die G-Code-Datei wird dann, entweder über Netzwerk oder per Speicherkarte, in den Drucker geladen und dieser macht seine Arbeit.


  3. Well, some more information would be helpful, such as which type of printer (UM3 or S-line) it is, and possibly some photos of the printhead (inside without the second printcore) and the printcore.

    The problem you describe seems to be lift switch related, perhaps the lift switch assembly is not assenbled properly. Often the lift switch spring is displaced or with the spring of the printcore could be something wrong.

    If you change the printcore, does the problem persist?


    • Like 1
  4. Hi Alex,

    this sounds weird, but regarding to your description, you've done a lot of research and know what you're doing.

    When you write the recovery images are not working, I suppose download was ok, but they didn't recover your UM3?

    Do you know which firmware version your UM3 was before the "update"?

    Perhaps @gr5 or @CarloK have some solution for you.



    • Thanks 1
  5. Bonjour !
    si vous souhaitez tout de même utiliser le feeder sur l'UM3 (ce qui est possible, capteur inclus), l'article suivant pourrait vous intéresser :

    La transformation n'est pas très difficile.
    (traduit de l'allemand avec DeepL)

    • Thanks 1
  6. Support is always waste material, which is meant to be removed after the print is finished.

    With single extruder printers (only one nozzle), it's the same material as the "main" print, with dual extruder printers (like the UM3, two nozzles), you can chose a different material for support, like PVA, which is water soluble (so you just can submerge your finished print in a bucket of water and after some hours the support is gone itself), or breakaway, which has to be removed manually, but is easier to remove than normal print materials.

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