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Everything posted by Winchester

  1. I would recommend you print yourself a spool winder, I can recommend this one from thingiverse as I use it myself regularly: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3918099 There is also an attachment to use a drill for even faster respooling. With this setup it takes less than a minute to respool filament onto a spool that fits into the material station.
  2. I have two S5 with the Material Station in use and can confirm that this problem can sometimes happen for multipe reasons, e.g.: - Print aborted due to some error - Material gets stuck during the initial loading process - Switching to a new spool during print fails - Power outage while material is loaded The concequence is usually that the printer has to completely restart, after that the material is still recognized by the printer and the material station (blue light) but can't be unloaded. If this happens, there are two options: 1. Load another spool of material in one of the slots of the material station. Which slot and which material is irrelevant. Tell the printer that this material is of a different type than the one which is stuck. So for example if PLA is stuck, tell the printer that you just loaded ABS. After that, prepare any part in Cura with the material type you just loaded and start this print. This will usually force the printer to unload the stuck material. While the printer is unloading, manually remove the spool you just loaded by pushing the button on the material station. The printer will give an error because the material it needed for the print isn't there anymore. Restart the printer and your usually good to go. Works 90% of the time I would say. 2. If 1. doesn't work, the material has to be removed manually. It's basically the only other option, if you don't want to take the printer apart. Turn of the printer completely, pull the power plug on printer and material station and open the feeder if the material is stuck above it. Then very slowly pull the material back out from the material station. Be warned, you have to use a bit of force and it doesn't make the nicest sound while doing it, but its basically the only option. I guess I had to do that about 10 times in the last few years and both material stations still work absolutely fine.
  3. I switched from 4.11 to 4.13.1 and discovered a bug when using support blockers or other objects to modify the infill density in certain parts of the print. The areas of different infill density are not connected like in 4.11. In the modified areas the infill also doesn't connect to the inner walls anymore. The attached pictures shows the problem, it is the exact same file opened in Cura 4.11 and 4.13.1.
  4. I had the exact same problem in the beginning when I got the Pro Bundle. The reason was a mistake I had made when setting up the printer: I had clamped one of the bowdentubes, which come from the decouplers of the material station, to the back of the printer. The reason was to bring the bowdentube closer to the printer, because without the clamp it bent slightly out and touched the wall behind the printer. Clamping the bowdentube resulted in the decoupler not being able to move freely. This resulted in some problems, including the one you described above. When I unclamped the bowdentube (and moved the printer slightly away from the wall so it would not touch it) the problem never occurred again. So, I would suggest you check if the bowdentubes, which come from the decouplers and lead the material into the feeders, are in any way restricted to move freely. They should not be attached to anything (except the decoupler and feeder of course) and also shound not touch anything.
  5. Hello, I updated the printer yesterday (S5 Bundle) and had no issues with the air manager so far (2 prints done). The flow sensor based material loading is definitely recognizeable as the loading procedure seems to be much quicker. Noticed two little bugs so far: 1. When I came back to the printer this morning (already updated to 6.5 yesterday) it told me a new firmware update is available, version 6.4.1. Needless to say I pressed "ignore" and so far the message didn't pop up again, it also doesn't offer the firmware "downgrade" in the settings. 2. In the setting "About this printer" (or similar, it's "Über diesen Drucker" in German) all values for print core 1 are way to high, see attached image. Values for print core 2 are reasonable. Found this by accident, so I dont know if this was already the case before the update.
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