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Everything posted by Ogge500

  1. I have not reached out to our reseller yet. Okay, the bowden tubes are loose at the moment. So i’ll try that!
  2. I've read that they use the same chip for network and that there should not be any differences between them. Our UM3 does not want to connect, but our S5 works perfectly. We do use a school network with eduroam that sometimes needs verification. However, it is weird that it works for the S5 but not the 3. Any idea?
  3. Hi! they are the same. I can press the resume print button without any problems.
  4. Thanks and I Will look into the article UlrichC-DE provided. We are sadly not allowed to open any ports and/or allow any device connection without eduroam verification (Basically asks the user for username and password befors a connection cab be done). The schools network has previously gotten an unacceptable low security score. So there is a strict policy that even any small devices (such as TVs etc) needs a major security scan from our network provider. I am starting to belive that using a 4G modem might just be the easiest, although dirty, way to just skip the problem. Just double checking here, ive done some research regarding a 4G modem and it seems like it should work. Does any of you see any major red flags in my solution? Of course, major thanks for the help!!!
  5. I hope the help from UlrichC-DE works. My expertise is not in modification and the backend with Ultimaker printers. Regarding the usage of the word "we" in my previous post. With "we" I am meaning you, me, and any other person that would help. I am not affiliated with UM. My apologies for any confusion.
  6. Okay, thank you for the help regarding our PVA, which we do have tons of problems with. However, the issue isn't with just PVA. The same error code comes when using two AA 0.4 Nozzles, and only using extruder 2 priting with PLA. Any ideas what might be the problem? Thanks for the help.
  7. Check if your printer runs the latest firmware update. https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011545559-Update-the-Ultimaker-S5-firmware If you already have the latest update, try uninstalling the software and disable developer options. We are trying to figure out what is causing the problem, and with that being the only thing you've done to the printer, it might be the cause of the problem. Another thing to take into concider, are you sure that your printer has the right material profiles loaded? If both are negative, try to do a full factory reset. I guess your material profiles are saved on your computer aswell, so that should not be a problem. It will only take about 10 minutes.
  8. Does this happen when you are using deafult material profiles without any prior modification?
  9. Okay. Are you talking about an direct wired connection between the network and the printers? Verification is needed for both ethernet and wifi sadly.
  10. Hi! My school, which I am helping, currently has 5 3D printers that we use for education. Currently, the printers can only be accessed via USB however this is really slow. We've looked into setting up Digital Factory on at least our Ultimaker Printers but the network department considers it as a major security risk. We use eduroam for wifi verification. My plan is to connect a Raspberry Pi to the school network and share the internet connection via an ethernet cable hooked up to a router. The printers can then connect to the router and should have access to the school wifi without creating any security risks. Raspberry Pi -> Ethernet Cable -> Router => Printers Does this seem like a reliable option? Another idea is using a 4G modem connected to a router instead. Therefore bypassing the school network all together.
  11. Hi! I did find these: https://swe.grandado.com/products/10-st-parti-3d-skrivartillbehorsmatningsfjader-for-ultimaker-vadextruder-fornicklad-1-2mm-20-mm?variant=UHJvZHVjdFZhcmlhbnQ6MTA2NjEwNTQy&gclid=CjwKCAiAvOeQBhBkEiwAxutUVDgIMcphKQfEOBxLpnVkrA79POcKg_g12Ws0lUDjPnRBwU180lZo4RoCDfwQAvD_BwE although this is a Swedish link, you might want to look for similar. Those might be the same you’re looking for, make sure that u double check! have a nice day Oskar
  12. Hi! We recently got an Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle (Material station + Air Manager). We’ve had no issues regarding printing with extruder . However, when we are using print core 2, the story isn’t the same. The printer regularly gets the error code ER65 without anything seemingly wrong with the printer. This happens at random (maybe once every 30 minutes or so) The printer can be resumed again after the error code, but it is just a matter of time before the error comes up again. I’ve done some troubleshooting to remove some variables: the error comes both when using PLA and PVA. So it cannot be the PVA having issues. I tested printing only with core 2 and the same error came. So it cannot be the switching between materials. Error comes both when using AA and BB nozzles. The printer is absolutely new with only around 60 ish hours of runtime. I have checked the extrusion mechanism and there is no debris found inside it. I do have one theory, however I do think that it is unlikely the problem. The cables that go to the print cores are loose, not connected using some type of zip ties. Can this be the problem?
  13. Hi! I assume that you are using a glass buildplate. In that case, I'd recommend actually letting the build plate cool down to room temperature. Buildplate adhesion becomes a problem either when it is too good or too weak, although it is much better to have good adheasion! To easily remove large, flat surfaces I'd recommend either getting a spatula, although your palette knife will work well. Another solution that I often have to use is using an snap off blade targeted at the corners. A solution to bed-adhesion is using a flexible build plate, although I am sadly not sure if it is a solution regarding your Ultimaker 2 printer. Your best regards, Oskar
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