Great to hear about the new hot-end in the works! I look forward to more on that.
Regarding power supply spikes - I have had just about every issue that others have had with the hot-end / bowden tube, etc... but have never had issues with the Arduino hang or rebooting at all. I've not heard of that issue until now... Could it just be your particular power supply or Arduino? I have managed up to 21 hours successfully once, and a number of 16 hour prints with no problem... These days the only issue I ever have is the filament (I use Faberdashery too) getting tangled on the way to the extruder because it's loose and not on a spool of any sort.
Nik, out of curiosity, where in the UK are you? I'm in London - I've had my Ultimaker for about a year now.
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SandervG 1,522
Hi Nik,
Thanks for your reply!
I don't think this is the right topic for this, but i will give you a brief answer on your post.
If you want to go into it any further, i suggest you open a new topic
We are aware of the filament issues, and it is keeping the Ultimaker from reaching it's full potential.
But we are looking for ways to improve the quality of the filament or an upgrade so a small variation wouldn't matter as much as it does now.
One of the solutions is a new feeding mechanism that is in development now.
One other thing you mentioned was a new hot end. We have a new design on the way (
) and more details will be revealed later on this week.
The spikes in the power supply i am not aware of. What i have experienced is when a print doesn't make it through the night this is not due to something in the power supply, rather due to variation in the filament diameter.
My intention is not to make a flying visit
, i am browsing the forum to see if i can help.
But the most secure way to get help from the team is to sent us a direct email.
Another member of the team will make it's appearance soon, in the form of a community manager.
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