Hi Gr5! Thanks for your reply
What country are you in? In USA you can get a very nice infrared thermometer gun that measures the glass temp accurately for about $10. I know we are spoiled here in the USA with pricing and the rest of the world things cost more. Not sure why.
I'm writing from Holland, I do have means for testing the temperature but not until ends of next week. I guess I will have to wait for that.
There are so many things in your post I can help you with but no time right now...
If you are printing ABS and you want to get really good at it you need to cover your machine anyway so put a box over the top with an opening in the back for the feeder and tape it on there to get the air up to 30C to 40C (no hotter than 40C as the steppers might get overheated) and cover the front with some plastic wrap or something.
Never heard of this method yet, I will have to try it
If your ABS prints are warping up off the bed there are many solutions that you need to do. first and foremost use the brim feature in Cura. Also bottom layer MUST be squished into the bed a bit - so maybe raise the bed slightly by turning the 3 leveling screws counter clockwise. Dont' re-level with the procedure - better to adjust adjust a little. And finally use some PVA glue. hairspray, wood glue, glue stick all have PVA glue in them - you want to water it down so it is so thin you can' t see it - that's why harispray works so well as it puts on the correct amount. Instead I use wood glue mixed with 10 parts water and paint it on with a paint brush and let dry. Also keep dust off your glass -- I typically need to clean my glass once per week with window cleaner.
Thanks for all these tips I'm actually using gluestick but I guess that with my bed not reaching 100C is more difficult for the ABS to stick. More test to be done soon.
100C should result in actual temp of about 105C on the center of the glass and 95C towards the edges. A drop of water will not boil furiously but it won't last very long either - less than a minute. it should indeed be too hot to keep your finger on there for 10 seconds but maybe not too hot to keep your finger on the glass for 1 full second.
As soon as I get the thermometer I will try temps but I can tell you right now that it doesn't get near 100C at all.
So what I get from this is that my bed doesn't work properly. My next question is: How can I calibrate the temp bed? Can I? Is there a possibility that my bed is broken?
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gr5 2,295
What country are you in? In USA you can get a very nice infrared thermometer gun that measures the glass temp accurately for about $10. I know we are spoiled here in the USA with pricing and the rest of the world things cost more. Not sure why.
There are so many things in your post I can help you with but no time right now...
If you are printing ABS and you want to get really good at it you need to cover your machine anyway so put a box over the top with an opening in the back for the feeder and tape it on there to get the air up to 30C to 40C (no hotter than 40C as the steppers might get overheated) and cover the front with some plastic wrap or something.
100C should result in actual temp of about 105C on the center of the glass and 95C towards the edges. A drop of water will not boil furiously but it won't last very long either - less than a minute. it should indeed be too hot to keep your finger on there for 10 seconds but maybe not too hot to keep your finger on the glass for 1 full second.
If your ABS prints are warping up off the bed there are many solutions that you need to do. first and foremost use the brim feature in Cura. Also bottom layer MUST be squished into the bed a bit - so maybe raise the bed slightly by turning the 3 leveling screws counter clockwise. Dont' re-level with the procedure - better to adjust adjust a little. And finally use some PVA glue. hairspray, wood glue, glue stick all have PVA glue in them - you want to water it down so it is so thin you can' t see it - that's why harispray works so well as it puts on the correct amount. Instead I use wood glue mixed with 10 parts water and paint it on with a paint brush and let dry. Also keep dust off your glass -- I typically need to clean my glass once per week with window cleaner.
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