cloakfiend 996
Get more glass, or get an air duster and hold it upsidedown and spray it at the edges of the model and lightly pull at it so the cold spray leaks/goes underneath of the model. I used to do this all the time as i had super tight deadlines and couldnt wait for the model too cool. but it ruins the glue a bit due to liquifying it. If you dont mind reapplying the glue id do it this way. Or just get a scraper and use the sharp edges to pop it off, if done right you wont damage the model.
Just be carful as dont forget you model will bend irreversebly very easily if you pull at a thin point as it is still warm just after printing finishes.
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IRobertI 521
Get a couple more plates? You could likely get some glass cut by your local glass guy for cheap if you don't want to buy from UM.
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