heated bed is a nice option to have... from what I heard, it's kinda important for larger ABS prints (ABS is a gel without phase transition), while PLA (which has a solid-liquid phase transition) isn't affected as much as ABS from curling up on larger pieces (it still curls). i think heated bed becomes interesting for prints larger than 10cm, especially for items like long bars. PLA can be printed with a 55C(?) heated bed and kapton tape... room temperature kapton and hot PLA will not stick. I am going to experiment with a glass plate that I preheat in the over to about 60C and see what happens (ABS bed temp is 110C???).
if necessary, you can simply put the http://ultimachine.com/content/prusa-pcb-heated-bed in your UM (power supply issues need to be fixed separately?).
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Daid 306
A heated bed stops ABS from warping, because it sticks a lot better. But most people are printing PLA with the ultimaker, which sticks fine on the tape. Also, you can build a heated bed for the ultimaker if you want (plans are on thingiverse)
The disadvantage of the bowden cable is you get more stringing. However, because it prints faster you can spend time on a cleanup and still be faster then other machines.
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