When they make the spools at the factory they are made from one long piece of filament obviously and they wrap it perfectly with no tangles. But when they cut the end it can get under but they know this is a problem for users and most manufacturers hang onto the end and tuck it somewhere.
When the spool arrives you might want to be like me (like I used to) and never lose track of the end - never let go of it. Once it snaps loose it can get under another a loop so fast that it takes a slow motion camera to see it happen.
But lately I don't worry so much - I just unspool several meters and usually if there is a tangle you will notice in the first 2 meters and if there is a tangle I always fix it before inserting into the printer. Once it's in the printer it can't tangle or untangle without passing the whole spool through a kink... basically not likely to happen.
Printing the last tightest part of the spool - the last 4 meters - does have more friction so I tend to print that with thinner layers or slower. Save that stuff for prints that don't have to look as nice.
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SandervG 1,522
Hi Printerfan,
you could remove the last few meters from the reel so it can uncoil a little bit already. I believe some users also put it in the over for a very short time, to soften it and then straighten it. @Gr5, didn't you use to do this too?
When you open a new reel of filament, you should prevent it from untangling uncontrollably, cause that is when you can get tangles later on. You can use this clip to keep things in its place in between printing.
I think it is adequate, especially for the UMO. You could consider making one with bearings or put your reel on a lazy susan, but it should not be necessary.
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