I tried but is not better there is still a black line under the red text
Could you please post a link to the gcode file so that I can check out what's happening? Thanks
Hi, I can see what's happening, it's not retracting when moving between the first set of walls it outputs (the innermost walls). This could be related to a known bug (currently not fixed) or it could be something different. My only suggestion at the moment is to have retract before outer wall enabled and print outer wall first enabled. That combo should ensure a retraction occurs. Also, I notice that you are not using the wall order optimization which is available as an experimental feature. If you enable that it will do less traveling. Hope this helps.
hi, really thanks a lot for helping I will try tomorrow
where is the setting : retract before outer wall enabled and print outer wall first enabled
Have a nice we
Retract before outer wall is in custom settings -> travel
Outer before inner walls is in custom settings -> shell
To see these preferences you may need to go to Menu settings -> configure setting visibility
Retract before outer wall is in custom settings -> travel
Outer before inner walls is in custom settings -> shell
To see these preferences you may need to go to Menu settings -> configure setting visibility
Hi, you quoted me but added nothing else, do you have a reply also?
Dear Mark
I'ts much better but black lines subsist over the text , it's too bad
gcodes :
That gcode file is the same as you posted yesterday. Have you got the file for today please?
Thanks for the file. Yes, it's still not retracting on some of the travels. I think this could be related to an existing bug. What happens if you turn off combing altogether? I would expect that to force a retraction for all moves.
I've had a chance to look at this some more. With your recent gcode, it is retracting when crossing the red regions but it isn't doing a z-hop. This is controlled by the combing code which I believe has a problem in this area. If you turn off combing it should not do this.
I send a print with combing OFF, I'm coming in touch tomorrow
Could you please post a link to the latest gcode and I will look to see what's happening on the V.
That's the same file as you posted yesterday! Combing is set to no skin, I would like to see the gcode that corresponds to your latest better print.
That looks a lot better. Note that you will get fewer travel moves and retractions if you enable the wall order optimization.
Anyway, the root of your problem was the bad travels (with no z-hop) caused by combing. There's definitely a problem with the combing still.
thanks for the help have a nice day
I am having this exact same frustrating issue. The keychain on the left has little blobs of red above the small letters made during the combing maneuver. When I changed combing to 'No Skin'. I ended up with tons of crossing lines even though I had 'Retract Before Outer Wall' and 'Outer Before Inner Walls' checked. I found a possible plugin solution, but I can't figure out how to get the plugin installed. Can anyone help me?
Have you tried turning off combing completely? I think that helped the OP above.
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burtoogle 516
Set combing to "no skin".
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