I didn't realize some printers don't come with blue tape. I thought my Um3 came with it but I guess not. The "blue tape" is actually painters tape found in hardware stores. You can use blue or green. It's quite expensive at a hardware store but you don't need much. Online it's quite cheap. Wider is better. Get the widest they sell. This is because if you are printing a large part and it's trying to lift off the bed at the corners, the wider tape sticks to the glass better - more area to hold it down.
Again - don't forget to wash the tape with isopropyl alcohol after it's on the glass. Found in stores next to bandages.
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gr5 2,228
The power supplies for the UM3 have been known to be flakey. I'd get a new one shipped to you asap. I had a bad one myself with my UM3.
Meanwhile to prove this and to get started you can put blue tape on the glass (should have been a roll of blue tape with the printer), clean the blue tape with isopropyl alcohol (to remove the wax that keeps the tape from sticking to itself and prevents parts from sticking well) relevel and print with the bed turned off (set bed temp to zero in cura). This will reduce your power usage by about 160 watts and you should be fine. The printer is often near the limits of power requirements for the power brick that comes with the printer.
Don't think that having the bed at 40C instead of 60C will fix the problem. The bed, even at 40C, will occasionally come on full power for a few seconds and it only takes a few seconds of over-power to trip that sophisticated, computer controlled, power supply. You need that bed off 100% until you get a better power supply. Your reseller should be able to take care of getting you a new power supply for free.
Alternatively there are power budget features on the UM3 but adjusting those is complicated and involves advanced stuff like ssh'ing into your UM3 and if you aren't comfortable with that then definitely simply get a new power brick.
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fbrc8-erin 298
gr5, blue tape doesn't actually come with the UM3X or UM3, only with the UM2Go.
PiJey, are there any indications of power issues elsewhere in the office? If you tug on the power supply, does the power supply come out of the printer? (It should be locked in place, so it shouldn't come out without sliding the sliding lock; if it does come out, it wasn't seated firmly enough). How long have you had the printer?
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PiJey 0
Thanks for your quick answers.
@gr5: A power supply issue sounds plausible. The power in our office is quite reliable, I never heared of any problems with other devices.
I read some posts here in the forum that seemed to have similar issues and the power supply was mentioned. Since the printer is brand-new, we will get another power supply on warranty, I guess. Using Blue Tape and switching off the print bed is a good idea to verify it. I will see how the return process for the power supply works and see what will be faster.
I just worry that the printer will "improve" and just reboot later. But we have to start somewhere.
@fbrc8-erin: Yeah, I would have to borrow or buy some. But if it verifies the issue, it is worth it.
I checked the plug after reading about this here in the forum but it sits snug in it's socket.
Thanks again,
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