This is an example of what I mean, this is just a square box, and it has started to draw the lower indented top.
If you look at this picture, you can see that the yellow first layer top is floating, with 0 infill. I would have thought that the program would be smart enough to not allow this, or to work out that it needs a support structure under the indented top.
It is possible that there is something I am missing.
There are a few other situations that similar things can happen.
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gr5 2,234
Could you post a photo of what you are talking about. It's really not clear. Parts have such an amazing variety of shapes and trying to use words to describe your part is probably futile unless you write for many pages. But if you write for many pages then likely no one will read it (sorry!).
Also are you getting infill and support confused? Infill is inside your part. support is in areas where your part isn't.
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