I have to print now 5 pieces of the same object and I have to print them with UM CPE light grey - good test for various settings.
The first one was printed with default settings, just with 90% Initial Layer Flow. That was not really better, same result on the first layers, but ok afterwards.
Second try now runs with 80% Initial Layer Flow and -10° print temperature because I have the feeling that the default profile for CPE prints a little bit to hot. I had some stringing and some crumbs on the inside walls of the object, so lets try if a little bit cooler is possible and give better results.
And @StephanK you are absolutely right, UM CPE sticks well on the glued glass bed, no need for blue tape. Colorfabb XT which is also PETG doesn't work with only glue on the bed.
Edited by Smithy
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StephanK 30
I just ran into the same thing, first print using CPE on my UM3 and my first layer looks the same. Two ways to go about this usually:
a) increase the nozzle <> bed distance, but so far I haven't found a good way to do so on the UM3 with active levelling turned on. (ActiveLeveling is setting the nozzle too close consistently imo)
b) reduce flow% - there's even a initial layer flow% now that should work well to fix this. (just about getting ready to try it here)
Your blue tape is probably not helping here, either, as it further reduced the gap between the nozzle (or was it on there during Active leveling?). May I ask why the tape? Bit of gluestick or magigoo or printafix works really well for adhesion..
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Smithy 1,146
I have played in the meantime with the temperature, default was 245° and I decreased it to 235°, which helped for the second layer. But you are right, the Initial Layer Flow setting would be better. How much have you reduced the flow?
And yes, the blue tape makes the distance between bed and nozzle even more smaller. It was there during the leveling, but I have the tape only in the center of the bed, so leveling was done outside without tape.
Maybe for CPE no blue tape is needed, I haven't tested it yet without, but the Colorfabb XT which is quite similar, didn't stick on the bed without. I tried normal glue stick before, but had no luck. But good to know, the next print will be with glue stick only.
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