6 minutes ago, fcrass said:Why not? I could easily disassemble the nozzle.
OK, maybe "absolutely should not, unless you want to break your printcore" would be the appropriate wording... see this thread:
Edited by P3D
- 1
6 minutes ago, fcrass said:Why not? I could easily disassemble the nozzle.
OK, maybe "absolutely should not, unless you want to break your printcore" would be the appropriate wording... see this thread:
Edited by P3D
Ok, wow. I didn't imagine that no one at UM at least spent a thought, that probably 110,- € for a new nozzle could seem a bit expensive.
May I suggest that if you are looking for the lowest cost, Ultimaker printers in general may not be the first choice? No offense meant - good engineering solutions (like the mentioned double heatbreak in the print core) don't come for free, neither does all the development work that goes into matching material profiles...
I'm not looking for "the lowest cost". I just find it a bit strange, that UM doesn't sell nozzles just because few people might break a part changing it. It is in my opinion an unnecessary expensive and waste-producing behaviour.
Like many here, I've looked into what it would take to convert a printcore to accept a replacement nozzle. I came to the conclusion that the 3DSolex implementation is, at present, the most logical implementation of any such approach and the downstream running costs make it far more cost effective to purchase than the time it would take me to hack a lesser solution.
From what I can see, there are a number of critical tradeoffs made in the design of the UM printcore. Weight is a serious constraint on that print head, so building swappability into an original design, for the few who would actually use that feature, may have negatively impacted functionality for everyone else. Then there would have been the inevitable support channel as that is a part that takes the brunt of abuse.
Do I wish it were a less expensive part? Certainly. Would it have been great to have nozzle changeout incorporated? Yes! Is there an opportunity for someone to set up a used/damaged print core refurbishment centre? Maybe.
In the mean time, 3Dsolex saw an opportunity to fill that void and they (and the agent I deal with) provide excellent support for it. I have two hardcores and a suite of nozzles for normal, fine and abrasive materials. Each one can be programmed for either AA or BB. I presume CC though I haven't tried it. The purchase has already paid for itself. They aren't perfect, you can still clog them and changing nozzles has to be done with great care to avoid breaking the very fragile components, but it's a viable option.
I hope this is of some use. Just for clarity, I don't work for anyone who builds or markets ultimaker or 3dSolex parts ?
I've never seen a nozzle I can't unclog (by the way I sell 3dsolex parts in USA).
If you need to take your UM core apart to unclog it, as a last resort, you can follow the instructions in this video I made:
how to properly unclog a core (hot pull, cold pull):
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P3D 46
You can't swap the nozzles on the original UM print cores. If you want to do this, you have to buy 3rd party print cores like the 3Dsolex HardCores. If you want to go for minimizing downtime, the core-swap concept is about as good as you can get, apart from the price.
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fcrass 0
Why not? I could easily disassemble the nozzle.
Thanks. I'll have a look at those.
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