Thanks for your reply.
As mentioned i use the cura default settings and have printed directly on glass and on a raft (PVA), so bed temperature is indeed 60 degrees. Never use(d) glue and have never had the need for it. The whole model sticks like glue (no pun intended) on the bed, only the corners of the object seem to pull up or melt. The printer is placed in a cabinet with moisture absorbers so no issue with cold airflows.
If printing in a fully enclosed environment is not a good idea, then why did ultimaker sell enclosures in the past ?
The enclosure is about 10 times the size of the printer so the environment gets warm, but not hot. If the outside temperature issue the whole model would have been affected. De layers between the lowest and highest are perfectly straight.
Edited by toilet-ovule-add
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Smithy 1,146
Do you print on the glass directly or with some glue stick?
When have cleaned the glass the last time and put a fresh adhesion layer on it?
Which bed temperature do you use? Should be 60° for PLA.
Have you opened the window during the print or is there some other cool airflow near the printer?
In another thread you wrote the printer is in an enclosure, is the printer still there? I ask because of the upper layer, could be that there is too much heat inside the printer too. Printing PLA with a fully enclosed printer is normally not a good idea.
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