I love this program as well. I use Autocad for the 2D drawings for work and never was able to get into the 3D Design of it. Moment of Inspiration is so easy to learn and use that I was able to make these two designs in the first 3 days of using it.
I love this program as well. I use Autocad for the 2D drawings for work and never was able to get into the 3D Design of it. Moment of Inspiration is so easy to learn and use that I was able to make these two designs in the first 3 days of using it.
Love it too. Most intuitive program for me.
I got into it after seeing incredible Youtube tutorials and vids of what some can do in no time compared to other CAD's. Almost no learning curve.
You can get it for a little less (USD 260) though this authorized reseller:
There is also a student version for much less (around USD 70), but you need to prove credentials.
Took the plunge after a few days with the trial version. Now using the Nov 23 beta and enjoying it greatly.
I have no hands-on background in CAD - apart from a few months using OpenSCAD - and have found MOI easy to pick up. The manual is clear (though not up to date with the beta) and the video tutorials by Tom Meeks excellent for a beginner like me.
I am also a huge fan of Moi.
+1 for MOI. I've designed my products with it.
+1 for MOI. It's worth mentioning that Michael Gibson (the guy who wrote the software) gives incredibly detailed and timely advice on MOI's forum. He normally replies within a few hours (sometime less). Even better, he doesn't seem to have a logistics dept that messes everything up ;-)
By way of an example, I was stuck with a series of beginner's mistakes in my first MOI project. Not only did Michael take the time to explain exactly how these errors crept into my model, but also explained how to fix things before actually correcting my broken model. This is really first class support by a chap who is obviously passionate about his product.
Wow! this does look good - just downloaded the 30day demo, thanks for posting about this Mike.
+1 on the support. Online responses from the author? Almost unheard of (aside from the Ultimaker forum)!
And MOI is very stable - I haven't crashed it yet in a year of use.
It's easy to use. I think it is more for artistic or organic shapes than it is for mechanical stuff. For mechanical stuff, it's hard to figure out how to measure parts of the shape and/or set explicit sizes. DesignSpark Mechanical seems better at mechanical type CAD but it's not as intuitive.
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foehnsturm 970
I love it.
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