You can print on cold glass if you cover it with the supplied blue tape. UM3 should come with blue tape [correction um2 comes with tape but not um3] but you can use any printer's tape (such as frog tape). The wider the tape, the better. The most important thing is to:
wash the tape with isopropyl alcohol (aka rubbing alcohol)
This appears to remove the wax coating that prevents the tape from sticking to itself while still on it's spool. Without the alcohol treatment parts won't stick well to the tape.
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CarloK 205
A printer rebooting during the build plate heating up is almost certain a power supply problem. During the first phase of heating up, till about 50C, the power supply is stretched to its limits.
Since everything was working smoothly before and now not anymore, what did you change with respect to the power supply block?
Did you perhaps switch the power supply block with that from another printer?
Did the ambient temperature in the room change?
Perhaps the power supply block gets warm because it is now in the sun or next to an active heater?
When nothing was changed and none of the above questions applies, then perhaps you have a power supply block that's at the lower end of the specifications. Contact your reseller if warranty applies.
There is also a software workaround when you are brave enough to change a configuration file on the printer...
- Enable developer mode from the menu
- Open an SSH connection to the printer
- log in as root / ultimaker
- type: vi /usr/share/griffin/griffin/machines/um3.json
- Scroll down to line 102
- Change the maximum power supply wattage from 221 to 200 (first press the 'insert' key to be able to insert new text).
- exit the editor by typing after each other the 4 keys: 'ESC : w q'
- exit the SSH connection by typing: exit
- reboot the printer
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mirza55 0
Thanks for your reply Carlok.
None of the possibilities apply mentioned by you as I have changed nothing.
While I was waiting for reply, I started a print with build plate temperature set at zero. I got this idea from another thread with same problem.
It worked and printer started printing without rebooting, except there was no proper adhesion to build plate obviously.
It seems that the power supply module is the culprit. I am contacting my supplier, hopefully they will replace it.
Regarding the configuration changes, I can not do it myself but I will ask my son. He is a software engineer.
Thanks again.
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