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Posted · Every File I Attempt to load to Cura, it states"Invalid File"

I have downloaded several different  3D files from say, Cults3d and elsewhere, every Attempt to Load to CURA, I get the same Message - Invalid File, or File Invalid...

 I have been Successful at dragging a file to Launch3d(or something like that, I erased it???), then to Cura and bang I was Printing a Pangolin, but only the 2 piece Print, and the one that prints Completely Disassembled, only...

 I have not been Successful more than once or twice...

  Not sure what is up, Tried using 3-4 Versions of Cura, New/Old, Beta...

 Hit and miss, I get lucky...

Alot of Bugs Get lucky Once, but they aren't very successful afterwards!!!

 Anyhow, I figured I'd give asking the Ethernet for assistance, People have Power when they Communicate...

 Any help is very appreciated...


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    Posted · Every File I Attempt to load to Cura, it states"Invalid File"

    I think you may be trying to open "zip" archives in Cura instead of the 3d models you want to print. A zip archive is a compressed file format that can contain multiple files. You have to extract the file(s) before you can use them. You should be able to double-click the .zip file and drag a file out of it to your desktop. This extracts the file, which can then be dropped into Cura.

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    Posted · Every File I Attempt to load to Cura, it states"Invalid File"

    I am a PC & Windows novice... that's my biggest hurdle to jump,

      but I am learning a bit at a time...

    I have a HIEHA SX4-V2 and a CR-X(new V2.2 motherboard on its way) .. the SD that I have that came with the CR-X is also gliched or again I am doing something wrong, I was able at first to load prints to it accidently but successfully drug a print file from 1 of its few files listed as models, the second file I attempted, loaded but crashed my machine... it some how bugged the board,(it completely lost its set Z home and kept crashing into print surface) just now getting it to print again, somewhat correctly, after tricking the machine by adjusting Z micro sw position during a print attempt and something stuck??? its not quite right but its printing again...

     back to the SD card, now I cannot Delete nor Load a file to the SD card...

      I was able to load a couple renamed files from that SD to a new out of the package SD card and that's what SD card I have been printing the PRE SLICED-TEST CR-X present box... 1st dual color print...   

       So, as mentioned I have tried some many different things, and I have downloaded many files in ZIP, extract and moved to new files, I tried naming 1 like I had before and that doesn't work...

     it seems as long as the prints were pre sliced to match my machines, they print...

    but I can only print so many Astronauts & Pangolins(not even the good one)…

    as always, any and all help is greatly appreciated!!!


    Thx, GMY @ NUTZ 'N' BOLTZ    



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    Posted · Every File I Attempt to load to Cura, it states"Invalid File"

    You need to drag things out of the zip file before using them.  You probably can't typically drag something that's inside a zip file directly into cura.  So for example create a folder to hold all STL files and then when you get a zip file with an STL in it, open the STL folder and open the zip file and drag across the STL file(s).


    Then from the  STL folder you can drag them right into cura once cura is launched.


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    Posted · Every File I Attempt to load to Cura, it states"Invalid File"

    To me it looks like your biggest problem at this moment is basic handling of a Windows computer. Starting with 3D-printing is then like trying to do aerobatic stunts in an airplane, before you can't take fly it safely. I think you would make much faster progress if you would first follow a good course on using computers, just the general principles: how files are handled in Windows, how and where they are stored, zipping and unzipping files, installing programs, etc... Yes, this will take you at least several days, maybe a week. But you will soon win that time back 10 times.

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    Posted · Every File I Attempt to load to Cura, it states"Invalid File"

    Yes Sir, You are absolutely Correct!!!

    Till lately, I have only used a P.C. to search Craigslist, Offer Up, eBay, and reading Forums as well as Researching Things I want to know more about... Using MITCHELL ON DEMAND & ALLDATA etc etc...

      Never actually used one for much more than that... Didn't have Computers at all growing up, one & only Computer Class I have ever taken was 7th grade, Original GREEN SCREEN Apple... LOL

      So far I have Stumbled through unzipping and extracting files into another file(s), Downloaded some free Cults3d STL Files etc etc...

     I have been going through several or more different issues...

    Though I am Starting to get the hang of Certain processes, like making sure when Opening a File to Load into Cura, Select G-code as type...

    Another,  The hidden Files that come on the SD Cards, how you have to Extract & Rename them, then Reload to SD Card So the Printer can recognize the File to Print...

    Another,  The Cura 15.04.6, Cura 4.4, Cura4.3, & Cura 4.2 BETA... That were given to me or loaded on SD Cards that came with the machines, I couldn't get any of them to load or slice a file... 

     But the fellas down at TinyMachines Downloaded a TM3D version of Cura 4.2 (non beta)-(Also has My Printer Specs/Firmware) 

     Then Bang, all of my Downloaded files Load with the Simple Double Click just like they should, So I have read so many times...

     I really appreciate your help with this, You are the only person that has reached out at all, then offered advice and guidance...


     I would have thought there would be more people out there that have experienced the same issues I have, but now that I have thought about it, I am a bit different than Most... Chances are most people that are Interested in and/or Own a 3d printer already Understand & Know how to use a P.C....

     Instead of buying a 3d printer, then learn how to use Both a P.C. & 3D printer at the same time!!!

     But, in this day and age, it might be a regular occurrence??? Lol


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    Posted · Every File I Attempt to load to Cura, it states"Invalid File"

    I am a Self Employed Auto Mechanic/Welder/Fabricator/Novice Machinist

     I Build/Rebuild-Restore Classics/Resto-Mods/HotRods

     I haven't taken 1 Class, nor am I Certified at anything I do!!!

     I learn Hands On, Trial & Error as I Go...

     So this is definitely an All New Ball Game for me, but as mentioned earlier, I have been Stumbling through all this and have been picking up pieces here and there, learning a lot about what it takes for Both of the Processes, P.C. & 3D PRINTERS...

     Again, Thx for the Insight and Helpful Suggestions... 

    Thx, GMY @ NUTZ'N'BOLTZ, TX...



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    Posted (edited) · Every File I Attempt to load to Cura, it states"Invalid File"

    To all out there in the world of 3D Printing , MERRY CHRISTMAS and/or HAPPY HOLIDAYS, Whatever Your Flavor....   

       I Believe that I am getting the hang of getting FILES loaded and CONVERTED, As well as CURA of all AGES SLICING FILES...

    Rough 2-3 weeks, but it feels like I am well on my way...

       Thx GMY @ NUTZ 'N' BOLTZ, Tx 

    Edited by Greasemonkey
    wrong worded by mistake
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