Well, I designed the part and it SHOULD be an excellent solid model, water tight. It's simple geometry and created well. That being said, I will take a closer look as you mention and let you know what I find.
I will also look into this plug in, but I have never had a bad model. (As far as I know anyway)
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gr5 2,295
So most problems people have with CPE occur on the bottom layer and your bottom layer is fine. I don't think this is a CPE issue but it's hard (impossible?) to guess what went wrong from the photo. I'm thinking this is a CAD/Slicing issue.
Did you look at the part carefully in preview mode? It would be helpful to show the layer where things go bad in preview mode please.
My guess is that you have a few layers of air where cura just skips a few layers and then starts printing over air. Is that possible? If I'm completely off then we need more information about what is happening here.
So in summary - this doesn't look like a CPE issue but a model with errors. Actually I recommend getting the plugin that lets you check the mesh for errors.
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